You're the Only One

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I wake up and stretch. I take the covers off of my body and jump in the shower. Once the hot water reaches my body, all the memories from last night float back into my mind. 10 minutes later I get out the shower and change into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and an old soccer jersey. I do everything else I needed to and head downstairs. "Morning." I say to my mom. "Morning sweetheart." She responds. 20 minutes later, Liam, Cameron, Taylor, and Marisa came downstairs. "We should get going." Liam says. "Yeah, let's go." I say. I slip on my shoes and pick up my bag. Liam and I hop into his car and buckle up. A couple of minutes later, Liam parks the car in the NorthEast High parking-lot and we jump out the car and walk into NorthEast High. I walk to my locker and open it a note falling. I open up the letter and set my bag down.

Dear Ali,
Meet me outside the school after school. Xx.

Joe x

My lips turned into a smile and I throw the note into my bag. All of a sudden Steph comes over to me. "Who was that from?" She asks being specific about the note. "Just a note from Joe." I respond. "Oh...what did it say?" "Just to meet him outside the school after school is done." "Oh...a-" She starts to speak again but the bell rings. "I'll catch up with you in lunch." I say picking up my bag. "Alright. Bye!" "Bye!" I yell back to her. The rest of the day goes by fast. I walk out of NorthEast High and sit on a bench outside of the school. I message Liam telling him I don't need a ride today. Joe walks out of the school and walks over to me. "Hi beautiful." He says. "Hi handsome." I say standing up. He looks down at me into my eyes. "You ready?" He asks. "Yup...where are we going?" I ask as he places his arm around my neck and I place my shoulder on his left arm. "I can't tell you." "Why?" "Because then you won't love it." "Yes, I will." "Nope and it wouldn't be a surprise." "I hate surprises." I say. "Oh well." "Shut up." I say and playfully smack his arm.
We walk to his car and jump in. The whole car ride was silent until I broke it. "So, are you going to tell me?" I ask.
He shook his head no. "Whatever. I give up." "Haha." A couple of minutes later we finally arrived at the place which looked like the middle of nowhere. "Joe?" I ask. "Yeah?" "We're in the middle of nowhere." I laugh. "We have to walk a bit." "That's a lot of work." I whine. He looks at me and smiles. "Come on. Get on my back." He bends down and I hop on his back. "Sorry, I'm a bit heavy." I say. "You're fine. Don't worry." He starts walking through some tree's and crossing a few roads. "Wait. You need a bandana." Joe says. He sets me down and pulls out a blue bandana from his pocket. He puts it on me and then bends down again so I can get on his back. "I hope I'm not killing you." I say. "Haha. You're not."
"Joe?" "What?" "Why are you so, handsome?" I ask laughing. "I don't know. Why are you so beautiful?" "I don't know." He chuckles lightly underneath his breath. We walk for a few more minutes and then he sets me down. "Are we here?" I ask. "Yup." He takes the bandana off of my face and I open my eyes slowly. Wow. It was beautiful. There was a pink orangish sunset and a lake. All of a sudden, I felt someone push me and I fell in the water. Once I came back up from the water, Joe was standing on the grass laughing. "I am going to kill you!" I yell. All of a sudden he jumps in the water. But doesn't come back up. Out of nowhere something starts tickling my legs underneath the water. I start moving away from it but something pulls me down and I see Joe's face turned into a wide smile showing his dimples. We come up out of the water and look at each-other. He puts his hand to the side of my cheek and smashes his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. He slowly started putting his hand down my leg tickling me making me laugh into the kiss. He smiles and he starts tickling my other leg to making me laugh even harder into the kiss. He makes the kiss harder and pulls my legs up to his waist. I never imagined this would happened. I never thought I would fall in love. The butterflies in my stomach gets faster and faster. We pull away and press our heads together as we smile looking into each-other's eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend Alex Meyers?" He asks. "Yes." His lips turn into a deeper smile and he presses his lips back to mine making it sweet and short. All of a sudden he flips me over as I fall into the water. I stay under and flip him over. "Is that all you got Meyers?" He says once he comes back up. He starts splashing water on me and I splash back. An hour later we arrived at my house. We got out the car and walked in the house. I slowly shut the door behind me and walk into the living room with Joe. "What time is it?" I ask. "6." "Want to stay here for a while? We could watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure." I pick out a movie from the shelf near the TV and pop it in the DVD player. I grab a few blankets and pillows for me and Joe. I press play and I snuggle up with Joe into the covers. I started to yawn and soon fell asleep in Joe's arms...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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