Faith Chapter 1

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My name is Aaliyah Carter. I'm 18. I have long blonde with some brown in my hair that reaches to my mid back. My eyes are a crystal blue. I'm an average height and I have a very over protective brother name Luke, he is 19. I live with my mother Julie and my farther Joe. Oh and did i forget to tell you that my whole family are wolfs. My brother will be the next Alpha. Our pack, The Black Moon Pack is the second biggest pack in the world. The first is the Black Rose pack, their alpha hasn't found his mate yet. I haven't either and I hope that I don't.

Aaliyah wake up ..... wake up i hear my mother Julie said. Groaning rolling over I finally getting up. Walking to my closet i put on a pair of sweat pants and a white shirt and my black vans. Throwing my hair in a messy bun , i go down stairs and see my mom cooking breakfast . She turned and said good morning sweetheart.Morning I said. My brother Luke walk in and say" morning nerd " and ruffled my hair, I gave him a low growl and said don't call me that fart face. My dad walks in a minute later saying my mom and him have to tell us some news.Sitting down at the table eating breakfast. My parents say "we are moving to California". "WHAT"!!!!! I yelled.My dad tried to talk but i won't listen to him. Still yelling" I DON'T WANT TO MOVE WHAT ABOUT CAT"!!!!!!! I can't just leave my best friend. When i'm finished my dad starts to talk again and says i wasn't finished. He then said" that Cat and her family will be coming with us". Jumping up and down smiling that I won't have to leave my best friend. Turning to my brother I ask Luke how do you feel about the situation and he says that he think's it is good and maybe then he would find his mate. My parents tell us to go start packing we are leaving tomorrow. Going up stairs I called Cat and asked if she heard the news and she screams "YESSSS"!!!!!

The Next Day- BEEP ....BEEP BEEP I hear my alarm going off. Turning it off I get out of bed and walk to my closet and put on some jeans and a black shirt. Looking around my room seeing that it's empty it's makes me sad. Liyah my dad calls me from down stairs. Grabbing my phone I run downstairs and get in the car and we head to the airport. Getting on the plane i sat next to Cat. We sat talking about how our life's are gonna be in California. We got to California at 5 pm , going to our house. It was a two story house. Cat lived next door from us. I went inside and picked the biggest room, there was already a flat screen tv and a walk in closet and a California king bed in there. walking in farther i see that it's has it's own bathroom. I start unpacking and then when i was done i hoped in the shower and then called Cat to see if she was finished. Cat said that she was finished and that we they were coming for dinner.After dinner my dad told us that we have school Monday. Glad today is only Friday .

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