Faith Chapter 3

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(Aaliyah pov)
Sitting with my head phones in I notice that Mr. Matthew was just staring at me. Looking up at him he would just look away , so I decided to talk to him. Pulling out my head phones I look up and ask him "why are you staring at me? He looked up and we ft lost in each other's eyes,but then I remember that I don't want a mate. He sighed and said because you are my mate and I can look at what is mine. Power dripping in his voice made me realize that he was an Alpha. Scoffing I tell him that he isn't my mate and that I am bot his. Growling lowly he starts walking towards me. Shaking quietly I freeze in my spot and my wolf Raven started talking to me."go calm are down, you made mate mad at us. By the time I snapped out if my thoughts he was standing in front of me with anger in his eyes. Backing way slowly I tried to move away from him but the more I backed up the more he cane closer til my back hit a wall. Then I didn't know what to do and then he walked up to me and sniffed my neck. Holding my breath not knowing what he would do I closed my eyes. Feeling the lost of warmth I whine buy quickly regain myself. Opening my eyes I see Mr. Matthew sitting back at his desk greasing papers. Going to my seat I sit and start to put my head phones back in but he stops me. "Go to the back of the class and straighten up the text books and line the desk back up" he tells me. Turning to look around the class seeing that it was a mess I say "Hell no I'm not the janitor that ain't my job". A big growl cane from his voice before he used his Alpha tone on me and said "NOW". Jumping I got up and ran to the back of the class and started cleaning. About 30 minutes later I was finished and asked if I had to do anything else. He smirked Sid "clean the white bored and chalk bored". Cleaning the boreds I look up at the clock see that it was only 3:10 and I won't be getting out till 4. Finally sitting back in my seat I put my head phones in and lay down for the remaining time of detention. But my little apparently was ruined when something hard and heavy was slammed down on my desk. Jumping up I yelled "what the fuck are you fucking crazy or something". Looking up I see him look at me with a little concern but then quickly cover it and say" grade those". Asking gmail "isn't that supposed to be your job that is why your a teacher right"? He didn't answer my question just went back to doing whatever he was doing. Finish grading the papers I hand them back to him and turn and head for my seat. Halfway there I freeze in my spot when I hear him ask me "why don't you want me". Turning back to him I ask "what"and he looks up at me with sad eyes and asked again. Sighing I say because I have my reasons. Asked what reasons he got up and walked towards me. Taking a deep breath I say mates are a bunch of bullshit because they are supposed to love their mate but they all don't, they cheat and lie and worst of all they reject their mates. He leans in closer to me and say but not all mates are like that. Feeling myself start to tear up I move away and ask if I could use the bathroom. Hearng him say yes quietly I run out of the room towards the bathroom and cry. After crying for a few minutes I get up and clean my self up and walk back to his classroom and start to back up. "Aaliyah" I hear him call me and I turn and look at him and he looks hurt and says I didn't mean to make you upset I just wanted to know why my mate doesn't want me. Nodding I say it fine and walk towards the door and say "bye Mr. Matthew's.

Sorry for the short chapters

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