Chapter 9

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AN: Hi everyone! Sorry for the really long wait. It's been a crazy time since I last wrote. I've had writers block, graduated college, trying to find an 'adult' job, etc. But anyways on to the story, I hope you enjoy

Kane had walked into a room to see his most trusted henchman sitting at a table. After he took his seat at the head of the table he said "Is everything ready for phase 1?" One of the henchman spoke up "Yes sir it's all set for when they see the target." Kane had an evil smile on his face while saying "Good I need what's mine back."

Across the city

Today was a big day for the little family of three. The Uraraka's were coming to visit. Ochako was on her way to pick up her parents from the train station. On her way there she was trying to think of the best way to tell them about Eri. 'Ok so I can either tell them about Eri so it's not a total shock...or I can till we get home and have Izuku help me...ugh I don't know what to do." Ochako thought now hanging her head in defeat. Even by the time she arrived at the train station Ochako still didn't know what she was going to do.

Before she could think anymore about it she heard someone calling her name. When Ochako turned around she saw her parents waving to get her attention. "Oh! Hi! Sorry I was lost in my own thoughts. How was the ride?" she asked. While Mrs. Uraraka hugged her daughter and said "The ride was very peaceful. You must have been thinking of something really important." 'You have no idea.' Ochako thought while rubbing the back of her neck. The family of three then started on their way to their daughters apartment.

As they were walking back they heard people yelling out for help. It was in that moment a huge shark man came crashing through a building. Mrs. Uraraka told her daughter to go help while they find a safe place to hide. As Ochako ran to catch the villain she noticed that the building was starting to come down. In an instant she jumped and used her quirk on herself to float up to meet the building that was collapsing. Ochako was able to make the building float just in time. As Ochako was thinking of how she was going to get all the people out of the building, Ryuko flew into one of the open windows. A few seconds later she flew back out carrying some of the workers. It only took the duo five minutes to evacuate everyone from the building.

"Thanks Ryuko. I owe you one." said Ochako, still floating in the air. "No problem! Tell Izuku I said hi!" Ryuko replied. But before they could do or say anything the heroes heard a gunshot. No one knew where it came from. It was then that Ochako felt a sharp pain in her side that was so intense that she blacked out. Ryuko was trying to see where the shot came from when she noticed Ochako was falling. She was able to fly and catch the gravity user right before she hit the street. The dragon quirk user saw that her friend was passed out and bleeding. Ryuko immediately flew Ochako to the hospital.

When it was safe Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka came out of hiding to find their daughter. They heard from some people that one of the heroes had been shot. When the stressed parents asked a stranger one it was they found out it was Ochako. They immediately hurried to the hospital to see their daughter.

The apartment

Izuku had taken the day off to watch Eri and be there for when they would tell Ochako's parents about her. He was playing with his daughter when he got a text.

Mrs. Uraraka: Izuku, Ochako was shot and is now in surgery. We're here at the hospital and waiting to hear something.

It took all his strength not to rush out the door to be by hid girlfriends side. After all he had Eri to think about too. Seeing the worried look on her father's face she asked "Daddy are you ok?" Hearing the little girls voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah hunny I'm ok." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Izuku sat down right next to Eri to talk with her. "Eri, I have to tell you something important. While mommy was picking up her parents she stopped to help some people, and she got hurt pretty bad." As he was saying this he could see a scared look on Eri's face. "She's ok but I need to go to the hospital. I'm going to bring you to Aunt Tsu's house before I go." He said. Before izuku could get up, he felt Eri grab his shirt. "I wanna go see mommy too." She said. All Izuku could say was "ok" after seeing the fear and determination in his daughters eyes.

The hospital

Ochako was out of surgery and in her room with her parents. Before anyone could talk the door opened and a little girl went running towards Ochako. Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka went to stop the white haired child until they heard her say "Mommy!" "Be careful Eri." Izuku said while walking in and seeing his girlfriend. Ochako was sitting in her bed with an air tube in her nose when she saw her daughter, she could the fear and worrying Eri's face. "It's ok Izuku. Can you lift her on the bed. When Eri was placed on the bed she clung to her mother's side. It was then that the little family heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Izuku and Ochako turned their heads to see Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka looking at them confused. "Umm, Ochako dear...who is this?" Mrs. Uraraka asked. All the color had left the gravity users face before she could reply. "This is Eri our daughter, and your granddaughter." She said. sIzuku could see the shock on their faces and decided to tell them everything about Eri and her adoption. Mr. Uraraka looked like he was going to hurt someone. Ochako could see her father getting angry and asked. "Dad, are you ok?"

"No Ochako I'm not ok. This man just told us that he adopted a kid who can't control her very dangerous quirk and she's connected to the Yakuza and they will do anything to get her back!" Mr. Uraraka said in a stern tone. "How do you know that they didn't shoot you and that you hav lost your quirk forever?!" He yelled. "Wait what?! You don't have your quirk anymore dear?" Izuku said shocked looking at his girlfriend. "I'm fine the doctor said that it's possible but highly unlikely. They found the same substance as 'you know who' made but not as potent. I was gonna tell you when there weren't so many ears." Ochako said looking down at her daughter. She could also feel Eri's grip tightening as she talked. Mr. Uraraka was getting madder by the second. Before anyone knew it he was in a three way argument with Izuku and Ochako. Mrs. Uraraka hated hated to see her family fighting, but she especially hated to see her newest family member on the verge of crying. "Alright that's enough! We all need to stop and take a break. Haruto dear, why don't you go take a walk." Mrs. Uraraka said. With a huff Mr. Uraraka left the room.

As he kept walking he started to calm down until he got outside the hospital. When he got outside Mr. Uraraka had the urge to scream. Once he did Mr. Uraraka could feel everyone looking at him. A person with a hotdog came up to him and asked "Sssir, are you ok?" The guy asked. Mr. Uraraka started to talk about his day was going. "Wow that'sss crazy. Here have a hotdog on the houssse." "Thanks. My name is Haruto. What's yours?" Mr. Uraraka said and took a bite of his food. "I'm Habi." He said while his eyes glowed red. Mr. Uraraka's eyes glazed over and he dropped the rest of his food. "Now letsss talk about phassse two." Hebi said.

Mr. Uraraka walked back into his daughters room to see his wife talking to Izuku and Ochako while the little girl was still laying on the bed. It took everything in him to not explode again. "Dear we have to go home." Mr. Uraraka said. Mrs. Uraraka was shocked. "Why? We just got here and we have to get to know..." but Mrs. Uraraka couldn't finish before she was cut off by her husband. "We have to go now! Work needs me." Reluctantly she agreed. The gravity users father then walked up to Izuku with a serious look and said "My answer os now no and won't change back until I know my daughters safe and that kid is not with you anymore." Mr. Uraraka then walked out of the room leaving Izuku stunned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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