family time

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harry's POV

the boys left at about 1am and me and lou went to bed straight away so we could get up early to drive home and see our families.


"boo, wake up"


"hey, come on lou. we need to get ready? we have a  long drive ahead of us"

"it's only like 2 hours"

"ill make you a deal"

"i don't like where this is going, i'm going back to sleep"

"uhhh, no you aren't mister! okay, here is my deal. if you get up now, then i will drive us there and back"

"okay wait, ill get up in 10 minutes and then you drive there and ill drive back?"

"fair enough boo"

"mkay, wake me up in 10 minutes curly"


3 hours later

me and lou arrived at my house, well it wasn't really my house anymore but my family house.

"MUM!" i shouted

"harry?" she sounded confused

"yeah, it's me"

"oh my god harry! i havent seen you in ages! i wish you would have called first, im only in my dressing gown"

"it's fine mum, you look stunning"

i hugged her and we went into the living room

"oh, is Gem here?"

"she'll be back any minute now, she was out with some friends"

"oh okay"

"so harry, who's your friend?"

"oh uh it's louis, i actually need to tell you something. well it's a few things but yeah. ill tell you when Gem gets here"

as if on queue, the front door opens. i run in to see gemma, my sister. we've always had a special bond and i love her so much. i hope louis doesn't mind that i left him with my mum.

"hi louis! i'm really sorry you've had to see me like this, it's not a very good first impression really haha. would you like some tea or a coffee or anything?"

"i'm fine thank you"

"oh, it's anne by the way, im not sure if harry told you"

"that's a nice name"

"thank you"

me and Gem were eavesdropping the whole conversation, not to be creepy but we just wanted to hear how everything was going. to be honest i'm sort of a mummy's boy, i love my family so much.

"right, Gem sit down and then ill tell you what i wanted to tell you"

"harry, you're scaring me bro. are you like coming out to us or something?"

"gemma!" my mum warned her

"oh uh well sort of yeah, that made it a bit easier"

"oh nice, i was just joking but now i feel kind of bad"

"it's fine Gem haha, it made it so much easier for us"

mum: us?

"oh yeah, me and louis are dating. it's the reason i came down here actually, we are moving in together"

"oh my goodness harry! my little boy is all grown up, come give me a hug"

"awh haz, that's so sweet. no one can replace me tho! i still expect you to text me at least once a week minimum, okay? oh and...?"

"oh uh it's louis" he mutters

"yeah, louis. you seem really sweet and harry looks really happy with you but if you break his heart i will personally snap your fucking neck in half alright?"

"language" mum warns

"that's sweet Gem but i think you are scaring lou a bit, he's literally never met you before and you are threatening to break his neck"

"oh right, sorry louis"

"haha, don't worry it's fine. it's actually nice that you care about him so much, my sisters are the same. i bet you would like them"

"nice! i really like you lou, i think we can be friends, what's your number?"

everyone exchanged numbers and then we decide it's time to go and see lou's family

"mum, Gem. we are going to go see louis family now, they live in doncaster so we have another 2 hour drive there, should be fun"

"okay harold, have fun!"

"bye harry!"

we walked out of the front door. i let out a sigh of relief, that went surprisingly well. other that Gem threatening to snap louis neck. she came around after that though and i think they can be friends

"that went really well, i like gemma you know? she is really nice. i think i went for the wrong sibling"


"don't worry, i'm still very much gay"

"okay, okay. so, tell me about your sisters? oh and mark is it?"

"yeah it's mark, okay so don't let him scare you cause he is sort of overprotective but he's really cool when you get to know him. he can be like my best mate and dad at the same time"

"that's sweet"

"and...the twins. they are like the same person, i mean i think you could have guessed that. anything daisy does, phoebe will copy her. and it's the same with lottie and daisy. basically, daisy looks up to lottie and phoebe looks up to daisy. which is kind of weird because phoebe is older than daisy but it's only by a few minutes and daisy acts more grown up. also lottie is really cool but she takes a LOT of getting used to. she's a bit of a grumpy teenager haha"

"okay, they sound nice. i'm good with children you know? so i'm very excited"

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