Chapter 1.Rude strangers

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Here She was sitting in a plane awaiting her new life to start.she luckily had the window seat so had a great view ahead of her as she departured from Ireland.

The crappy country that She lived in for most of her life after being dragged away from Denver when She was 6.
Part of her growing up always knew She would return to the states and now that she was part of her felt nervous but excited and the fact she's doing it on her own makes it excitingly scary to her.

For the remainder of the flight she plugged in her ear phones into her ears and listened to the sweet sound of Brendan Urie ring threw her ears.when the plane finally landed in Los Angles She was filled with relief She sat up and collected her bags from the top of the seat and made her way Towards the exit.

As She walked threw the airport She noticed a lot of Young crowded around the area but chose to just ignore it and carry on her business.she got to baggage claim and claimed her luggage hassle free but as She swung her self and her bags around to walk on She was hit by a tall frame and Broad shoulders

"Oh sorry" Cassidy said polity trying not to stare at the boy in front of her there was no denying his attractiveness

"Thought so" is all he said and scoffed

"Okay no need for the attitude" She replied to his Nasty comment with a hand on her hip and eyebrow raised

"look I'm just trying to get my bags and leave without being harassed by another female okay?" It was her turn to scoff at him this time.

"Look I don't know how they do things here in LA but where I'm from if some one bumps into another person a simply acceptance of apology would usually suffice" she said annoyed by the ignorant stranger just wanting to leave but something inside her told her to stay and stand her ground

"well good luck around here darling looks like you'll need it" the rude stranger who's name Cassidy still didn't know told her and turned his back to her but she wasn't giving him the last word

"Hey check bones" she shouted and he turned around with his eye brow cocked up "look i don't know who you think you are but you really need an attitude check or you'll make it no where in life" she said to him confidently

"babe,iv already made it" he replied cockily winking at her and turning around with his backs disappearing into the crowds.

Cassidy just stood there awestruck at the strangers rudeness but something caught her attention what did he mean by 'He already did' she just shrugged it off and made her way out of the airport but as she made her way towards the doors she heard and chorus of screams,she spun around to see what the commotion was but had no luck as there were so many girls crowding around who ever it was,Some celebrity she thought but didn't bother to find out who she had other things to do like starting her new life,unlucky for her,her first interaction with someone here was an ignorant,arrogant asshole.

but for some reasons in the taxi to her new apartment but she couldn't get those structures cheek bones that could cut glass if touched and his dark tan skin and some what organised mess of hair and those capturing brown eyes out of her mind but she just shrugged it off and instead thought about her new life.

Later that evening after she had settled in to her new apparent that would last only a few weeks before she explored more of the states.

she went out in search for a nice bar or club that would let her do a couple of gigs while she was here just so she knew she had some money even though she had more than enough with her considering she has been saving since she was 15 but she also wanted to play and sing so it was a win win really.

She ended up at this nice looking bar just in the middle of the city it was lit up in green fluorescent lights which read the title of the building 'Rage' it read, she just shrugged and went inside it was quite busy considering it was around 10pm now and a Saturday.

Eventually she managed to Make it to the bar in hopes to talk to some sort of authority of the place.After a few minutes a woman came up to her and asked if she was okay

"Yeah hi, I was just looking for a manager" she asked polity the woman gave her a subtle nod

"yeah sure want a drink while you wait?" She asked seeing a bit fed up with her job

"Yes please just a coke is fine thanks" Cassidy told her polity.The woman came back with her drink after a few seconds

"I'll go get him now for you" she told her and was gone.Cassidy sat on a stool by the bar taking in her surrounding she noticed a nice big stage by the back of the bar and excitement brew in her stomach at the thought of playing here.after about 5 minutes she felt a tap on her shoulder

"Hey what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone" she turned around and was faced by those unmistakable dark brown eye and chiselled face that she was a bit too familiar with from earlier on that day.

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