Around the Fire

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Warnings: mentions of death and wrongdoings, cuddling/fluff, Skyrim "quick marriage" (idk how to describe that lmao)

(Unedited due to tiredness, sorry)


The fire crackled loudly, eating at the branches and logs that sat within it. Ponk was close to the fire, trying his best to keep warm, as the night was beginning to get cold. The small male shivered, rubbing his hands together before placing them before the fire once more.

Being a medic for a group of mercenaries for hire wasn't as easy as he was told, it was much, much colder and harsher than he expected. The poor man got pushed around quite often, overlooked, and downright ignored. It got on his nerves, but Ponk never said a word.

As Ponk began to feel slivers of heat weaving their way up his arms, a large and calloused hand covered his mouth, and he was silently pulled away from the camp.

Before he could make a move, a soft voice whispered to him, "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you... Keep quiet and you won't accidentally get hurt."

Ponk obeyed and stayed silent, shortly after he was no longer being moved, he heard muffled noises coming from the camp he was just at. He was about to ask a question, but fell silent when he heard a few sharp clicks coming from the direction of the camp. "Alright, let's go."

Ponk felt the calloused hand from earlier grip onto his wrist and slightly pull him to the camp. As they walked, the larger male began to speak,

"Sorry for such the abrupt kidnapping, I just didn't want you to end up like them." He gestured to the bodies of the mercenaries for hire that were laying in the camp clearing. Other men, that Ponk had never seen before, were beginning to clean up the mess without saying a word.

"We're kind of bandits, but not exactly. We're mercenaries who play dirty, I guess. Someone pays us to take out another group of mercenaries, we do it. Simple as that. But these guys you were with... they were bad news... the murdered many a merchant and even caravans for no reason. They did much worse of course, but I don't want to scar ya." The larger male explained, looking at Ponk, who nodded.

Once they sat down near the edge of the camp, the large male turned towards Ponk and extended a hand, "The name's Sam, what's yours?" Ponk froze momentarily, "Oh, uh- my name is Ponk!" The smaller male accepted the hand and shook it. "You're that one mage who calls himself a medic, aren't ya? I've heard quite a bit about you in my travels. It's an honor to finally meet ya!" Sam smiled, patting Ponk on the back. Ponk just replied with a smile, not knowing what to say.

As the night grew colder, Sam tossed a thick and warm bear pelt over Ponk, "Here, ya seem chilled, you can use this!"

"Oh, thank you."

Ponk fell asleep a bit later, the warmth of the pelt making him sleepy.

The next morning, when Ponk awoke, his brain stuttered violently as he realized the man who had been sitting beside him was now asleep on him. And by on him, I mean on him. Sam had his arms wrapped softly around Ponk and had nearly his entire bodyweight leaning on the smaller male. The faint but pleasant scent that Sam had drifted to Ponk's nose, causing him to inwardly shiver. This wasn't necessarily his least ideal situation, but he just didn't know what to think, so he stayed put and stayed silent.

When Sam eventually awoke, Ponk had thought things over a few times, taking note of all the customs of the land of Skyrim, as he was a foreigner there. He came from lands far away from Tamriel, far across vast oceans, so the customs in Skyrim would be different from what he knew, minus a few of course.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to fall asleep on ya..." Sam muttered, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms. Ponk smiled slightly, "I-it's fine."

The nights carried on as so, each camp they went to, Sam and Ponk sat side by side until they fell asleep, eventually waking up and finding themselves entangled with the other. None of this was necessarily on purpose, it just happened. Sam had the habit of cuddling up with Ponk, who, in his sleep, cuddled up to Sam as a result. Neither of them mentioned it, as it wasn't unusual for members of the group to sleep together for warmth, since the lands of Skyrim were harsh and frigid.

One morning, Ponk awoke and yawned softly, seeing Sam was already awake. Ponk opened his mouth to speak, but Sam said something first, "I see you wear the amulet... which means... correct me if I'm wrong, you're looking for... a partner..." Sam trailed off momentarily, becoming awkward and embarrassed.

"Would you possibly... marry me?"

Now, the way marriage works in this world was pretty much the same everywhere, so the custom didn't come as a shock to Ponk, but who was asking did. How could a strong and handsome man like Sam possibly find interest in a small stick of a man who can barely defend himself like Ponk?

It took a few moments, but Ponk just nodded, as per usual, there was no time for courtship.

I guess you could say, the relationships in Skyrim were built off of trust, gut feeling, and possibly a little craziness, but they usually worked out. And I bet you could guess these two worked out just fine.

Remember, the real world isn't like Skyrim, not every relationship will work out, and that's ok!



This didn't turn out how I wanted it to, but oh well 🙄

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