Unusual Desires

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Warnings: angst?, gore/blood?

I keep hitting hardcore writer's block with the other short story continuation, so I'll probably write another oneshot or two in between those chapters to help get my brain going.

This will be another werewolf AU oneshot, as I, for some reason, can't stop thinking about it.

Quick note: this will be a longer oneshot, as I do not want to make multiple parts of it and drag it on. Due to that reason, I apologize for any possible jump cuts and/or loop holes and things of the like.


"Ponkie~?" Sam called softly into the dark house as he entered, locking the front door behind him.

He had just come home from a late night shift at the prison, having a strong, yet unusual, urge to make sure his boyfriend was alright.

When he got no reply, Sam sighed, already knowing his lover was asleep, so he took off his boots and coat, putting them in their correct spots before delving deeper into the house.

As Sam stripped off his disgusting shirt, he approached their shared bedroom, hoping to grab his pajamas without waking Ponk.

Unbeknownst to Sam, Ponk was still awake.

When he entered the room, Sam quietly went to the dresser to grab his pajamas off of it, but a small voice stopped him.


There was a long pause

"I d-don't... feel so good..."

Ponk's voice was off, which immediately made red flags pop up everywhere in Sam's mind.

The taller male dropped his pajamas and rushed over to the bed, turning on the bedside lamp to make sure Ponk was ok.

What Sam saw when the light came on may possibly haunt him forever.

Ponk was huddled up on his side of the bed, multiple bite marks and claw inflicted wounds littering his arms, shoulders, and face, and blood was nearly everywhere.

"Ponk?! Oh my gosh, what happened?!"

Sam quickly, and carefully, lifted Ponk into his arms and rushed him into the bathroom so he could cleanse his wounds and bandage him up.

Ponk flinched each time Sam dabbed at a wound, making the latter feel incredibly guilty.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Ponk, it's ok, you don't need to be sorry..."


Once everything was neatly bandaged, Sam sighed, asking,

"Does that feel ok? Is anything too tight or uncomfortable?"

Ponk just shook his head slowly, only speaking when he remembered something,

"Fran...! Sam, find Fran! Sh-she-" he cut off, trying to catch his breath without hurting himself too much.

"Hurt. She's hurt."

Sam then quickly left the room and searched for his beloved dog, only stopping once he found her.

The poor husky mix was laying on her side in a pool of her own blood, wounds evident nearly all over her body. She looked dead, the only thing signaling otherwise was the faint rise and fall of her chest.

Sam was by his dog's side in an instant, gently picking her up and rushing her to the bathtub, where he gently set her down and began to tend to her wounds.

♡ AweSamPonk Oneshots [book 2] ♡Where stories live. Discover now