LuciferxReader pt 2

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Your pov*

*The day of going into labor*

"Lucifer?" I ask shooting up from bed clutching my stomach. "What?! Are you okay?" He asks grasping my hand. "I think I'm going into labor" I gasped as a pain ran threw me. "We have to get up to heaven Lucifer, I can't have an half angel half demon baby at an earth hospital." I say and he shoots up out of the bed grabbing the baby bag and picking me up as I fly us up to heaven. As we get to the stairs he stays at the bottom. "I can't come into heaven" He says looking up at me. "Fine." I seethe and fly up the stairs and through the gates. "(Y/N) Are you in labor?" My sister, Bailey asked me when I landed in the gates. I nodded my head and she walked me to the hospital. I was immediately put into a delivery room. "God dammit" I seethed squeezing onto Baileys hand. "I need Lucifer" I yelled. "He can't come in. You know that" Bailey whispered softly. "she's going to have this baby now" the medical angel said as I screamed and pushed. "I hate you, I hate all of you" I yelled squeezing the side of the beds until my knuckles were white. "Okay. One more push." The angel said and I pushed as hard as I could, that's when I heard baby screams fill the room. I breathed a sigh leaning back against the pillow. Everyone could see the baby's wings(which one was white and the other was black) as they washed her off. They handed her to me. "Hi BabyDoll. Its your mommy. Daddy couldn't come in here but you'll see him soon enough" I mumble kissing the top of her head. "Well your baby girl is half angel, half demon." The angel mumbled carefully taking the baby and laying her in the bed next to mine. I start lolling off to sleep as the doctor covered me with a thin blanket. The next morning I woke up to being back in my house with Lucifer sleeping next to me. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and walking to the baby's room. She's sleeping peacefully in her crib. "Her name is Gabby." Lucifer said standing behind me. "I know" I said turning around. "I was awake and I choose the name like a month ago" I chuckled moving into the baby's bedroom. "She's so beautiful" I mumble letting my thumb slide across her cheek. "Well she looks like you so yes she is" he mumbles wrapping his arms around me. "Um. I need to go" I mumble, walking away from him. "You're still mad at me?" He whispers looking down. "If our rolls were opposite I would've done everything to get in there!" I sigh walking into the bedroom and getting dressed for work. I walk back out and Lucifer is sitting on the couch head in hands. I almost walk over to him, but I choose not to as I walk out of the door and drive to my office. I walk in and see my boss. "Yes?" I ask looking at him as he just sits there and stares at me. He starts walking towards me and I back up and hit the wall. "Whatcha doing there?" I laugh nervously my outstretched hand now pushing against his chest. "This" He mumbles rushing towards me and kissing me. I kissed him back and then push him back. "I-I have to go. I'm engaged, I have a baby" I mumble rushing out and into my car and driving home. I walk into the door throwing my purse onto the kitchen counter and laying my head on it. "What are you doing home? I thought you were at work?" Lucifer asks leaning against the counter next to me. "I'm sorry Lucifer" I said nuzzling my head into his neck. "Its alright baby" he mumbles into my hair smiling. "Something happened at work" I mumble. "What?" He asked leading me to the kitchen and sitting me down. "I- well my boss, he kissed me" I mumble tears briming my eyes. "I understand you're mad at me but that is no reason to come back and lie to me!" He yelled slamming his fist on the counter top. "Wow. Nice to know you trust me. And you probably woke Gabby up." I mumbled walking upstairs into the babies room. I closed the door and locked it. I wrapped up Gabby and grabbed her diaper bag and flew out of the window. I landed behind my sisters house. I knocked on her door and she opened it and immediately rushed us in. "Lucifer,
I took Gabby and we're somewhere safe but you don't trust me, and you doubted me and I can't believe you. And I actually thought you loved me. Now I'm sitting here wondering if you ever did
(Y/N)" I texted Lucifer as I sat down with Gabby on the couch. "Why won't you tell me what happened?" Bailey asked sitting down crossing her legs. "Well this morning I went to work after Lucifer and I fought-again-about him not doing anything to get into the hospital, but if it was me I would have done everything to get in there, but I went to work and when I got there the only other person there except for me was my boss and he started walking towards me but when I walked backwards to get away from him I hit a wall and he kissed me so I went home to tell Lucifer because I thought he had the right to know but he just yelled at me telling me I was a liar and I went into the babies room and grabbed Gabby and we left and now we're here" I mumble looking at Bailey will holding Gabby. "Well. What I do know is that he's going to come here because he knows how much you trust me but I'll keep him away from you as much as I can" Bailey says smiling softly at me. There was a banging on the door and Bailey ushered me and Gabby downstairs into the basement. I hear Bailey open the door. "Where are they?" I hear Lucifer yell. I backed into the corner as I hear his rapid footsteps around the house. I hear the basement door open and I push myself into the corner as far as I can. He looks around and spots me and Gabby in the corner. "(Y/N) you're alright." He breathed out a sigh pulling me into his arms. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." He sighed hugging us. I sighed nuzzling my nose in his neck. "Let's go home" he mumbled picking me and Gabby up and taking us home. "I love you" he mumbled as we stepped into the house, he put Gabby in her rocker and we sat down on the couch together. "I love you too" I mumble jumping into his arms. We pulled apart and I picked up Gabby and put her in her crib and we walked into our room. We laid down on the bed and I cluddled into his side. "I'm sorry I've been mad at you Luc" I mumble looking down. "Its okay baby" He mumbles and that's how we fall asleep.

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