Chapter 2

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Jamie's Pov

"I need 2 bottles of Olay face cream, more drying towels and face towels, dinner should be ready before I'm home so you're going to need to do some grocery shopping." Janelle said as she handed me a couple hundreds.
I take the money from her and begin to walk away but she clapped her freshly manicured hands her way of telling me to stop. I turn around slowly and wait for her to speak. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to keep this job.

"Jamie let's make something clear here okay I know you're not innocent and I know what it's like to be a horny teenager but if I ever catch-" she was cut off by Daniels loud voice, thank God.
"Hey babe hi Jamie" he said as he hugged her from behind and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I gagged a little and took that as my cue to leave.

I run downstairs to retrieve the clothes that should be dry by now. But to my surprise Madison was already doing so-well she was trying, I chuckle a bit at her attempt to fold her fathers pants.

"Madison you don't have to do that that's my job." I say as I grab the pants and fold them.

"But I want to help" she pokes out her bottom lip and gives me the sad eyes.

"You're one weird kid, laundry was never on my mind when I was 7" I laugh

"This is all you do, we never have play time so I want to help so you can get done faster. So we can have playtime." She says in a duh tone. This kid.

"Madison we'll have playtime eventually okay?" I say as I fold one of her favorite shirts.

"Fine, can we have Pizza for dinner?" She asks

"Um, sure why not." I smile. She smiles widely showing her two missing teeth in the from, she runs to me and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you Jamie this is why I love you." She says before skipping away.
I smile at her comment and continue folding clothes.


"Finally." I say to myself as I finish folding the last shirt. I walk upstairs to get a drink of water to see Daniel and Madison playing around in the kitchen now if something gets broken-

"Oopsy" Madison says as she stares at the broken glass her mother had just bought not even a week ago.
I sigh grab the broom and dustpan and sweep up the glass.

Daniel and Madison gave me the same 'my bad' look which was kind of adorable.

"This is why we play outside so Jamie doesn't have to clean up all the time and get yelled at by Janelle, I'll be back soon going to get groceries and a few other things. Please don't destroy anything." I say as I grab my keys of the counter and go to the front closet to get my jacket. Something's gonna be broken when I get back I know it.


"That'll be 98.27$" says Alex the cashier, sadly not Alex from Target but from Wal-Mart. I had him the money and wait for my change once I get it. I quickly put all the bags in the cart and rush to the parking, it's late amd Janelle could be home any moment.

I make it back to the house quickly and Daniel helps me put the groceries up. I put the pizza in the oven and set the timer, finally now I can relax.

I sit on the couch a good distance from Daniel who was already sitting down watching television some basketball, as always basketball.

In the last 30 minutes I grew bored of the constant cheers and shots made from a good distance--that stuff is great and all--no it's boring as hell to me never really got into basketball. In that time Daniel and I were texting each other vulgar things that was definitely making me want to pounce on him, but Janelle woudl be here any moment and Madison's home I'd never want her to catch her nanny and father together that'd scar her.

"I'm home!" Janelle, The devil says, I look at the time 8:07pm, let me remind you she doesn't have a job she's supposedly a 'stay at home mom' supposedly not of course. What the hell could she be doing all day?

The timer goes of letting my me know the pizza was ready, I walk to the kitchen grab mittens and take the pizza out of the oven. I grab the pizza cutter out of the silverware drawer and cute it into 8 pieces.

"Dinners ready!" I yell. I smile once I hear Madison running down the stairs.

I put her slices on a plate and she glady takes it.

"Thanks Jamie!" She says.

"No problem" I say as I grab my things preparing to leave.

"You aren't staying for dinner?" Daniel asks, really? Only to watch you to cuddle and feed each other. I'll pass.

"Nah not hungry. Enjoy" I say as I walk out the front door.

I must admit I like Daniel and I love Madison but, I'm 18 and trying to mess with a married man while dealing with his crazy wife isn't what I signed up from when I applied for the job. I can no longer be a naughty nanny.

Hello guys, I know I've been gone a while but life was taking a major turn MAJOR turn. Hopefully you like the chapter honestly it's not my best but I don't want it to be forgotten lol. -dove

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