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Anastasia's POV

I was standing here watching Jasper and Alice fight. Ace was holding my hand and caressing my knuckles comfortingly with his thumb. Just as Alice jumped into the tree, I tensed.

Jasper looked around for her. Alice jumped down from the tree and landed on Jaspers back. She looked into his eyes and her emotion changed from victory to lust.

I couldn't watch the kiss so I turned around and looked at the newborn who was smirking behind the tree, while using his gift. Jasper said not to do anything, and to wait so he could kill him, himself. But I couldn't wait. I don't want to watch him kiss Alice.

I used my telekinesis gift and raised my hand. I scrunched my hand up a little, causing a loud crack sound. The pack and my family turned to the sound.

They saw the newborn covered in cracks. I scrunched my hand up more which made his arms fall off in little pieces. I continued to scrunch my hand until it was in a fist, and the newborn was in tiny pieces.

I grabbed Ace's hand again and started walking through the woods to home. I knew the way to get home.

"That was so cool." Ace commented.

I smiled slightly and looked at him.

"Really?" He nodded.

"Oh yes, that was awesome. Wow, we could be more powerful than the witch twins you told me about in Italy. I have the same gift as the girl, but I also can see parts of the future. You can see the past and future whenever you want, PLUS you have telekinesis."

Ace was so worked up, he was half jumping every second step. He squeezed my hand tighter and laughed.

"What should we call ourselves? The 'A' twins?"

We bursted out laughing. With my left hand that wasn't holding his, I slapped his shoulder lightly.

"That's stupid. It should be cooler."

The rest of the way to home, we talked about names we could be called. Then we talked about what life would be like if our parents were still alive.

Finally we made it home, to see the other vampires standing there angry. Especially Jasper and... Alice and Jason? I wonder why they are angry. Ohhh, wait, maybe Jasper told them about the vision and they are angry because I didn't tell them.

"I should tell you, before things get out of hand. I had a vision this morning if Alice, Jason and I being together. I think I'm also their mate." Ace said just under a whisper in my ear.

I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth half open. He nodded also surprised.

"Well, if it isn't the twins who think they are old enough to just walk off!!"

We looked to the ground as Rosalie scolded us. I leaned into Ace for comfort while he wrapped his arm around me.

"What if you died! Huh? What if you were attacked! We wouldn't even be allowed to turn you because your too young!" She started raising her voice.

"I would have known if something bad was going to happen!" I said to her.

"Oh yes, because you just know everything! You may be able to protect your self, but what about your brother?"

"I can take care of myself and my sister!"

"Your not strong enough for that. One day, your gifts won't be able to save you! You are far too young to just walk off into the woods by yourselves!"

"Your a vampire! If your so worried, then why didn't you come after us?!" I slightly raised my voice at her.

"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady!" Rosalie crossed her arms.

Anastasia Cullen (Jaspers little mate)Where stories live. Discover now