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I was sitting in my room playing with my dolls on the floor when the door opened. I looked up and saw Ace standing there.

"What are you doing here? This isn't your room anymore. And you didn't knock." I said annoyed.

He started walking closer.

"I wanted to come hang out with my twin." He said.

I snickered.

"What? Did Alice and Jason go hunting and your all alone now? I don't want to hang out with you. So, if you could close the door on your way out, that'd be much appreciated." I said while glaring at him.

He glared back.

"What's wrong with you? You keep pushing me away." He asked annoyed.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you!? Where were you when I was being treated like dirt by everyone, even my own mate. I'll admit, at first you acted all caring and stood up for me, but then you changed. You didn't care about me and even agreed with everyone else!!

I don't know what's going on in that little mind of yours, but you can't do that and then come to me after your mates have stopped giving you attention. I'm not a toy that you can just pick up and throw away."

"That's not true! I don't come to you when my mates stop giving me attention!" His voice was raising a little.

I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Yes you do! You always do! Once they are gone you come to me, and then when they are here you go straight to them and all of a sudden I don't exist! Your an attention seeker, Ace!!" I yelled at him.

"No I'm not!" He yelled back.

"Yes you are!!"

"No I'm not!!"

"Yes you are!!"

"NO I'M NOT!!!" He shouted.

Suddenly, my head felt like it was being squeezed tightly to the point it's about to break while it's been stabbed a million times in my brain. I feel to my knees and screamed a blood curdling scream.

It didn't stop. No matter how much I scratched my head and pulled my hair to make it stop, it didn't. Teams were streaming down my face. It felt like I was being electrocuted inside my head.

Then, it all stopped. I gasped for air and collapsed. I was breathing heavily while sobbing.

I felt arms wrap around me. They were saying something to me but it was muffled. I just breathed in the scent and I knew, it was my mate. I snuggled into his chest, still breathing heavily.

"Hurt." I said under a whisper.

"I know, I know baby." I hear my mate say.

He was rocking me. My hearing was slowly coming back. I looked up and saw that Ace wasn't in the room.

My breath hitched and I started panting in anger.

He. Did. Not. Just. Do. That.

My lips curled back against my teeth. My fists clenched tightly.

I'm going to kill him.

I got up and pushed Major off me. I then stomped downstairs and into the living room where I saw ace being cuddled by his mates.

Everyone else was in there as well. Seeing him with a smile on his face and in between his mates like nothing happened is what ticked me off the most.

I went over and stood in front of him. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him off the couch. I then tackled him to the ground and punched him square in the face.

Anastasia Cullen (Jaspers little mate)Where stories live. Discover now