Guys that are hot as fuck

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Okay so if you know me personally just like don't think I'm cheating cause I'm not okay so calm your tits.

Okay so on December 10, my boyfriend asked me out. He did it the really clichè way with the cute little note saying" will you go out with me" and stuff but like it was weird. Okay so it's a long story. Okay so I liked this guy okay so he is in a different class than me. He failed a few years ago but anyways he liked me to so I found out thanks to my friend. His name is Jamie and so his cousins name was Jacob. Jacob rides my bus. Jacobs cousin was Clayton (who is in my class and also rides my bus). So Jacob found out I like him and then Clayton found out. After about a month of us liking eachother it all stopped cause we were watching the daily news in class and then Clayton goes over to my seat and casually places a folded up price of paper into my desk. I open it and - well you probably know what it says

At the end of class he comes up to me and he's all like "hey so is it a yes or a no" and I told him I'd think about it

So this happened on a Tuesday and I go to tutoring on Tuesdays and so does my friend Courtney

(This is the friend that let me know that Jamie likes me)

Oh and Jacob and Courtney were dating and so anyways I have her the note and at first she thought Jamie gave it to me but I was like "no nigga!"

So I told her it was Clayton

So Clayton rides my bus right yea so on Friday he comes to the back of the bus (where I was) and he's like "..." And so I take my head phones out and I'm like "oh yea!" Then he walks back to the front to get off ( we were at his stop)

So then my cousin yelled "NIGGA SHE SAID YESS" and yea he got off and so then he texted me on Facebook and our relationship started

So 4 months later I'm here.

This feels like it's been a long chapter even though it probably hasn't but I'll make another part to this but Ya love yall

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