Be a little fucking meaner wont you?

11 1 0

Okay so like wtf I literally hate people

Like everybody in this goddamn world can go suck a dick unless your cool

Like 97% of my school sucks ass

Legit can you not make my life worse than it already is?

And when you break up with somebody can you not be a douchebag about it?

I cried because of him and not only that it's the fact that there were rumors

And a stranger told me

And I didn't even fucking know about it in the first fucking place

And then tell me I'm a bad girlfriend cause I'm too shy and insucre to talk to you

Well that's bullshit because I have been talking to you

Maybe not in class as much but I've gotten better

And then yell at me for shit I didn't do?!

Yell at me for stuff I'm going through?!

And then another rumor going a round

And then the dude who started the bill shot go "suicidal" when he started it and then blames it on me

Like wtf I've had to go to guidance because of how bad it got

Like how could you do something like that to someone?

With out feeling bad?

Just be a little fucking nicer when you say some bullshit that isn't true

Okay bye sorry I'm really mad and excuse my language

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