Dancing in the Lilies-6

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After Ty walked me back to my grandma's, he kissed me goodnight and left. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and got into bed. My family still wasn't back from the lake so I had some time to think. I was thinking about what Ty had said. Maybe he was right. Maybe if everything was meant to work out, it would. I decided that maybe living for the moment was the best thing to do for now. Just take his advice. We could act like a couple and go out on dates and just have fun. Could I really go into this knowing that nothing serious could happen? I mean, even if my mom stayed out of it, I still had to go home at the end of the summer. I decided that for once, I wasn't going to worry. I would just have fun this summer. Ty and I were going to hang out and act like a couple and not get into anything serious. I was wondering if that was easier said than done, when I fell asleep.

The next morning, my grandma woke me up. "Leah," she whispered loudly. "Leah, honey get up we have to go do chores." I groaned and sat up grogily. Even though I was so tired, I still couldn't help being excited about seeing Ty. I pulled on some yoga pants and a t-shirt. After I brushed my teeth and put my hair up, I grabbed my jacket and met my grandma downstairs. "You ready?" She asked excitedly. I knew she couldn't wait to hear about my date with Ty. I nodded.

All the way to the ranch, my grandma talked on and on excitedly. I was still pretty out of it from being tired, so I answered her questions with as little information as possible. When we pulled up, I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of Ty's truck parked in the driveway. My grandma parked and turned to me. "I'm going to go ahead on into the house and fix up a little bit."

I smiled. She just loved Ty, and she wanted me to feel the same way about him. I got out of the car and walked down to the stables. When I walked in, Ty was scooping something into a wheelbarrow. "Wow, you're working awfully hard for it being this early in the morning. Then again, you are a hillbilly."

He smiled and put his shovel down. He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips. "You just don't work hard enough this early in the morning. Then again, city slickers aren't known for being early risers." He laughed and rested his forhead against mine. "I had a great time last night." He said. I felt a little unsteady with him being this close.

"Me too." I whispered, not knowing if I could even talk at full volume. He smiled and kissed me. It wasn't a firework kiss. But a quick, gentle kiss that left me wanting more. I smiled at him. He pulled away from me.

"We better get to work." I laughed and walked towards the first stable. When we got done feeding Ruby, a beautiful redish colored horse that loved to nuzzle against us while we fed her, I was walking towards the next horse when I felt Ty grab my wrist and pull me to him.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Ty traced my bottom lip with his tongue, trying to deepen the kiss. I opened my mouth right away. We stood there, making out in the barn for a while. When finally, I pulled away, dizzy and panting.

Ty was breathing heavy too. Panting, he asked me "Do you want to go horse back riding with me this afternoon?"

I shifted my weight nervously. "Um," I was just getting used to feeding horses and that was with Ty around. I was still pretty scared of being around the big animals and I really wasn't sure if I wanted to ride one. I looked down at my boots.

Ty put his finger under my chin and pulled it up so I would look at him. "I won't let anything happen to you. It will be lots of fun. Come on, Leah." He smiled at me.

"Ok, but only because you called me Leah and you better keep me safe." I smiled nervously.

"You know I would never let anything happen to you." With that, he pecked my lips quickly and grabbed my hand. "Let's get back to work." We finished feeding all of the horses and went outside.

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