Dancing in the Lilies-13

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5 days after I had snuck out to see Ty, I was still in the clear. No one had any idea that I had gone and my mom was still sticking to the fact that I was not alowed to see him. Landon was hating me more and more because he had to get up to chores every morning. I knew that I had less than a month left in Texas and the fact that I might only get to see Ty a handful of times until I left was killing me. I was getting closer to my sister, however. Lizzie and I had been spending a lot more time together since my mom would only let me leave the house if she was with me to make sure I was not going to see Ty.

We had gone to the mall, movies, the spa, and even an amusment park. I never realized how much we were starting to grow apart. I also was spending more time with my family. We went camping, fishing, boating, and tubing. I was enjoying spending time with them. We even had a barbeque for the 4 of July. But, it didn't matter what we did or how much fun we had, I still always had a little pain in the bottom of my stomach, reminding me of the pain I was feeling with missing Ty. I took out my laptop and was kind of surprised when I realized that it was already July 6. My 20th birthday was only 8 days away. I thought about what I had told Ty that I wanted and my face turned red. I can't believe that I had actually told him about wanting to dance in the rain. I guess i'm just a hopeless romantic and it's something i've always wanted to do. I still felt stupid though, telling him that.

While laying on my bed, I heard my phone chime. I closed my computer and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Ty. 'Hey Chicago.'

I smiled and texted him back. 'Hey Cowboy, I miss you.'

'Look out your window.' I read the message again, completely confused. Why would he want me to look out my window?

I pulled the curtain open and gasped. Ty was standing in the yard smiling up at the window. I quickly ran down the stairs. I knew my mom had gone grocery shopping with my grandma and my dad was in the living room watching Sports Center on ESPN. I slipped out the door and out to the back of the house. "What are you doing here?" I asked, so happy to see him.

He picked me up and spun me around, kissing me deeply. He smiled. "Well, your sister called me and told me that your mom was going grocery shopping. I missed you so much that I had to come see you." I looked up at him. I knew that we were meant to be together. He was perfect. Ty handed me a pink lily that I knew had come from the lily field that we spend many nights in. There was a note tied to it. 'Hey City Girl-meet me in the lilies at 11.' I smiled up at him.

I spent that night in the lilies with Ty. We hugged and kissed and laughed. We talked about my birthday and the horses. I loved the easy way we could talk and laugh with eachother. I loved how we could have fun and be silly. When I was with Ty, I couldn't explain the feelings that I got. It was like nothing could ever go wrong when we were together. We had been together for over a month now and Ty never pressured me to have sex. I don't know about other girls, but I didn't sleep with a guy just to get him to stay with me. I also needed to know exactly where things were going with Ty before I was commited to him in that way. I slept with Liam after we had been together for a while and that relationship ended up being ripped away from me because of my mom. Now, the guy who I lost my virginity to can't talk to me because it's so awkward between us. I didn't want anything like that to happen with Ty.

Whether we were catching lightning bugs, kissing, hugging, or just simply sitting and talking in the field full of flowers, nothing made me happier than just being with Ty. I was dreading the moment that the summer ended and I had to go back to Chicago. I was starting to think about my life and the decisions I had made. I thought that maybe I should get my own place so I didn't have to spend summers and other times at home being treated like a child. I knew that I had a lot to iron out with my parents before I could move out and we could all be happy and move on like adults. I had already decided that my parents were going to have to accept that fact that I was choosing to be with Ty. I hated that my mom was giving me an ultimatum. I should be able to have my boyfriend and my mom's respect without feeling bad about it. I decided that once I got home, I would decide what I wanted to do with my life.

The sun shining on my face woke me up in the morning. It was July 14th, the day of my 20th birthday. It felt weird to say I was 20. I felt like an adult. Like when you tell someone you're 19, you're still a teenager. But 20, I'm not a teenager anymore. I went downstairs to be greeted by a chorus of happy birthday! There was a stack of chocolate chip pancakes on the table waiting for me. I smiled, everyone seemed in a good mood, I had my favorite breakfast, and I was going to see Ty tonight. This was going to be the perfect birthday. As I sat down to eat my breakfast, my mom was telling me how we were going out to lunch and then we would have cake and presents at the house after supper. I was excited about everything. Except the fact that my boyfriend wouldn't be in the pictures of my 20th birthday party.

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