The Lost locket of Love

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Therapist: "Tell me David what is brothering you..."

It shows David sitting on the couch of his therapist office all quiet as the therapist look at David with a concern look as David was there fiddling with his fingers not wanting to say anything of what is bothering him.

Therapist: "David We've been doing this long enough. You seemed lost today did something happened?"

David: "....No....."

He then remembers what he did last night as David dress up as U.S Agent and hunted down former Divisional Nine workers and Winter Soldiers for all the pain and suffer that he have to go through. Not till the Therapist snapped David back to reality.

Therapist: "Captain.....You're Civilian now....With your history and serves with the government needs to know that you're not going to....."

The Therapist then pretends doing the stabbing in the air knowing what she telling David of what he used to do. As David nods agreeing with the therapist as he sighs and spoked up looking at the ring he have in his finger.

David: "I....Just keep having dreams or visions of my wife because everything when I come home from school I keep on seeing her there in my home either that she's in my living room or kitchens." 

Therapist: "Your wife David.......Is Summer Rose right?"

David: "Yes she the most-"

Therapist: "Captain not to sound rude or anything but she doesn't exist. You're eighteen years old Captain and still finish thing up in your seniors year......Captain what you seen through that portal with your team wasn't real.....I'm sorry"

A Few Moment later. 

David then thanks the therapist for her time and leaves the office as David was leaving the building and stepping outside. David stop as he hears someone close their lighter as David smiled a bit as he turns around seeing Patterson smoking his new pack of Cigar.

David: "Still smoking General?"

General Patterson: "You know David if you dare to say I can't smoke here I will put my cigar in your eye..."

David: "Was not planning too

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David: "Was not planning too."

The two smiled at each other as Patterson walked up to David putting his hand on to his shoulder and move his cigar off his mouth.

General Patterson: "Wanna get something to eat."

David: "Sure General lead the way."


It shows David and Patterson sitting a diner restaurant as the music in the background played smooth as people in the diner were enjoying their meal. While for David and Patterson were sitting in the same table the waitress came walking in holding a small notepad and a pen as she spoke up on the two.

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