Chapter 1

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            I was standing outside the hospital with Mark in front of me. He had turned around when I called his name.

            “Hey Lex, what’s up?” He asked me, but instead of answering him, I blurted out the stuff that I had been holding in for years.

            “I love you…oh god, my god, that just came f-f-flying out of my face. I-I-I love you and I-I-I just did it again.” I laughed nervously and not long after that, I began speaking again. It was as if I couldn’t stop. It was like verbal diarrhea.

            “I love you. I-I I love you, I do and I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying SO hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it and Jackson is a great guy. He is, he’s gorgeous, and he’s younger than you and doesn’t have any grandkids or a baby with his lesbian BFFs and he’s an Avery. And he liked me, you know? He really liked me. But it was never gonna work out because I-I love you. And I’m so in love with you. You’re in me. You’re-You’re like a disease. It’s like I’m infected by Mark Sloan. And I just can’t think about anything or anybody and I can’t sleep, I can’t breathe, I can’t eat, and I love you. I love you like all the time. Every minute of every day. I love you.” I took a deep breath and finally got myself to shut up. I swallowed hard and looked at Mark. He looked back at me like a deer caught in the headlights or like he just saw a ghost.

            “Th-Thank you.” He replied. I stood there frightened of what he would say next, but in the end he didn’t say anything; I was shocked. All I got was a stupid “Thank you.” Seriously? Was he purposely trying to make my life MORE embarrassing? Then of course, right when I was about to say something else, that skanky-bitch eye doctor, Julia Canners, walked out of the double doors and called Mark’s name out. I turned to look at her and gave her a fake smile; she smiled back.

            “Lexie, right?” I tried so hard not to strangle her and nodded. "Of course my name is Lexie, we’ve only met like BILLIONS of times!!" I thought as I watched Julia lean close and kiss Mark right on the lips. I couldn’t believe she was doing this RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

            “Yeah, I’ll see you later Mark.” I said awkwardly as I began to walk towards my car. Of course Julia had to answer,

            “See you later Lexie.” In my mind, I was punching her and telling her that I wasn’t talking to her, but in reality I stopped, turned around, and just replied,

            “Nice to see you again, Julia.” I hopped into my car, shut the door, and just sat there feeling so embarrassed. I began second guessing on whether or not I made the right choice in telling him. I shook my head trying to forget that it happened as I began driving home.

            The next day, five other doctors and I were headed to Idaho to help with conjoint twins and one of the five doctors included Mark; of course it did. Out of all doctors, why did they choose HIM? I stood by one of the counters of the hospital with my bag on the floor. As I leaned over to pick it up, Mark approached me and asked if I needed any help.

            “No. I’m fine.” I quickly answered, walking off with my heavy bag. I tried to stand far away from him, but I always seemed to find myself standing CLOSER to him. God! Could this day get ANY worse?

        “You’re such a selfish bastard!” I heard someone yelling. I turned to look and saw Arizona yelling at Alex. "What did he do this time?" I asked myself as the whole hospital got quiet and watched their quarrel.

            “You aren’t going because you no longer represent this hospital!”Arizona grabbed the files and bag and rolled off on her wheelie-shoes. I raised an eyebrow as I watched Alex walk off with a slight embarrassment on his face. Wow, maybe on a scale from 1-10, 10 being REALLY embarrassing, my problem wasn’t nearly as high as his, but I still was NOT enjoying Mark being everywhere I looked.

 As I got onto the plane, I purposely found a seat near the back, hoping that Mark wouldn’t sit next to me. Just my luck, he sat on the seat ACROSS the aisle from me. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. A few minutes later we were taking off and for those few minutes while we were in the air, I couldn’t help but glance over at Mark occasionally. God, he looked so sexy just sitting there. I just wanted to kiss him and let him do dirty things to me. I shook my head and continued to look down the plane and noticed Meredith and Derek talking to each other, and then I saw Cristina and Arizona sitting alone. I let out a sigh as my eyes found themselves staring at Mark again. He turned his head to look at me and in an instant the plane began jolting back and forth. I swallowed hard and turned to look forward. I closed my eyes, but the plane began making weird sounds and the emergency masks popped out from the ceiling of the plane; one of the few things NO ONE pays attention to when the flight attendant is instructing us on how to use them. I quickly grabbed one and put it on my face, but before I knew it the plane began shredding into pieces and I flew out the back of the plane; the last thing I got a look at was the back of Mark’s head. 

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