Mr. Flood Sucker

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    He heard giggling as he quietly approached the area. It was relieving, considering it was coming from the little girl he'd lost and was supposed to be protecting with his life. But it was less relieving when he heard a second set of giggling. He peeked through the shrubbery to see his charge sitting next to another little girl on the swing set. They were giggling and laughing. He couldn't help but smile.

    Her parents were quite protective and she had a hard time making friends. She didn't have many opportunities to make friends, and when she did, they often fell through. Her guard was essentially her best friend.

    He felt bad for breaking up this impromptu playdate, but her parents would kill him if they came home and neither of them were there, especially if they found out their little girl had ran away and was now playing with a stranger. By the looks of it, her new friend was rather mangey. Her clothes were unkempt, her hair unbrushed, and her skin was caked with bruises and cuts. Worst of all, she was very plainly human.

    He stepped out of the bushes and fixed her with a look. "Well hello, Beatrice."

    Her eyes widened, but her friend's widened more.

    "Bea?" her friend murmured, "Do you know him, or should we start running?"

    "I know him, but we should run anyway because he's here to take me home," Beatrice murmured.

    "Absolutely not," he huffed, "Your parents are going to kill me, and you'd be grounded permanently. You're already in so much trouble."

    "But Rowan!" Beatrice whined, "I literally never get to have any fun."

    Rowan sighed. "I'm sorry, kiddo, but you know we have to go home."

    Beatrice sighed and hung her head down. "Can Marceline come with us?"

    Beatrice's friend beamed and looked at Rowan hopefully.

    "I don't think your parents would be okay with someone not like us in their house," Rowan hinted softly.

    Beatrice hung her head down. "It's not fair!"

    "What's that supposed to mean?" Marceline huffed.

    "Part of the family," Rowan quickly lied.

    "He means a vampire," Beatrice corrected.

    Rowan smiled madly and slowly swiveled his head to look at Beatrice.

    Beatrice shrugged. "I already told her."

    "Yeah," Marceline agreed, "Are you a vampire too?"

    "It's not polite to make up lies about fake monsters," Rowan scolded Beatrice, deflecting the conversation, "It's time to go."

    "Rowan!" Beatrice wailed.

    "It's time to go," he repeated calmly.

    "I'm sorry, okay?" Beatrice whimpered.


    Beatrice slipped off the swing and gave Marceline a weak wave before slinking in beside Rowan.

    "Aww. Bye, Bea! See you later!" Marceline called.

    "I'm really sorry," Rowan murmured when they were far enough away from the playground.

    "Running away and befriending a stranger is one thing, but telling them you're a vampire is another. You're lucky no one will believe her when she goes around telling people she met a vampire in the woods."

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