Way to a Woman's Heart is Her Stomach

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TW: vague nudity & murder mentions
Note: Asexual representation for my homies <3

"You should come in. The water's warm." the young woman cooed.

Only her head was sticking up from the water, but her dark body was still visible under the crystalline liquid. Nevertheless, he knew there was more to her: a bluish green tail that stayed camouflaged beneath the sea. She was a siren, commonly known as a mermaid.

And just like the rest of her kind, she had a strong taste for flesh.

The pirate rolled his eyes. "I would rather keep my meat on my bones, but thank you."

Their ship was docked, and his fellow seamen were enjoying the wonders of prostitution and day drinking. He, however, preferred to sit on the beach. He loved the sea, but he was also quite fond of land. Feeling it, touching it. That's what gave him his buzz. The beach allowed him to bury his fingers in the land itself while still enjoying the wonders of the sea. Not to mention, he'd made a peculiar acquaintance in his hometown.

"That's no fun way to live," she huffed.

She heaved herself onto the beach beside him and flopped onto her back. She was nude, and he found himself subconsciously keeping his gaze fixed to the sea to give her privacy. This only pissed her off. She had no human care for privacy, and her main hunting strategy was to lure in horny bastards.

But this asexual motherfucker was immune.

"My apologies. I'll let you rip the meat off my living bones." he deadpanned.

He was quite flattered by her trust in him. Sirens were poached frequently both because they were dangerous and because their scales sold for a pretty penny. They often never completely beached themselves, especially not near man. She was a mistress of the water, and while she could pull two, grown men to the depths of the ocean, on land, she wouldn't even be able to flip over before he subdued her.

She closed her eyes and hummed blissfully. "I haven't had pirate in a while."

He scoffed. "We both know that's a lie." He glanced over at her before catching himself.

Her eyes had cracked open by then, and she frowned.

"Don't you think I'm pretty?" she murmured.

"Of course."

"Then why won't you look at me?" she whined.

"You're naked," he said matter of factly.

"So?" She propped herself up. "I don't mind."

"Well, I do," he argued.

"I must be hideous if you won't even look at me for more than a second," she whimpered.

He sighed.

He held up a hand in her direction and looked at her. He quickly adjusted it to cover the sensitive areas and followed them when she tried to move around his hand.

"I hate you," she grumbled before flopping back down.

He couldn't help but laugh. "You'd think after all this time you'd stop trying to seduce me, so you can eat me."

"You think by now it'd work!" she pouted.

"Are you seriously upset because I won't let you eat me?" he asked.


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