The Big, Scary Dragon

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Warning: I'm not really proud of this one, but improvement is a process.

Giant, black-scaled wings stretched themselves out as the rest of the dragon stretched out his back legs in a cat-like motion.

"Is that a dragon?" Robin's jaw dropped.

Tessa rolled her eyes. "No, it's a dog."

"Tess, this isn't funny," she hissed, "Back away slowly." Robin grabbed her arm and attempted to scoot them both backwards slowly.

"Scaley ass!" Tessa called to the dragon. The dragon growled at her, approaching the two woman.

"Tess!" Robin squealed.

"Relax. It's alright." Tessa reassured her.

"It is n-" Robin began to protest.

"Hey big guy! This is Robin. Can you lay down for a bit, so she can touch you?" Tessa asked the dragon.

"What?" Robin squeaked.

The dragon calmly plopped down in front of them, laying his head a mere inch away. Robin backed away from him, shaking.

"You can talk to him?" Robin gaped.

Tessa crouched down and scratched at the soft spot underneath his jaw bone. He tilted his head, so she could better get at his sweet spot.

"He can't speak it, but he understands a lot of English," Tessa informed, "Come give him a rub."

"He's a dragon, Tessa. They kill people." Robin hissed.

The dragon snorted.

"Some do," Tessa corrected, "But he's not going to kill you."

"How did you even manage any of this?" Robin questioned exasperatedly.

"'s kind of a long story," Tessa murmured, "I thought he was dead, and I just wanted to feel what a dragon's scales felt like. Turns out, he just sleeps like a rock."

The dragon started to purr, which only caused Robin's eyes to get wider.

"So he pinned me down with his heavy ass foot, and I won't lie, I kinda had a panic attack. And I guess he realised I wasn't a threat, so he licked me and let me go. But next thing I know, he curls his tail around me and drapes his wing over me like to a tent, and he just goes back to sleep. I didn't really know what to do, so I kinda sat there in shock until he woke up and moved his tail." Tessa explained.

"How did that lead you to befriending him?" Robin exclaimed.

" day, I was tracking a deer. And I kinda took a blind shot through some leaves because I thought I had it, but the arrow smacked against something hard. So I emerged to see what my arrow had bounced off of, and it ended up being the same dragon from earlier that week with the deer in his jaws." Tessa huffed.

The dragon seemed to smile at this, and his purrs deepened.

Tessa smacked the dragon. "Naturally, I panicked. So I just word vomited that I was sorry and that I thought he was the deer, and he ended up giving me the deer. The very next day, I saw this baffling behemoth trying to fish at a lake, so I speared up a fish as a thanks for the deer. He tracked me down and brought me a boar, so I found his hideaway near the lake and brought him some fish. I guess from there we sorted kept hanging out and hunting for each other." Tessa gave a tender rub where she smacked him earlier. "One day, I flew with him, and that completely changed things even more."

Robin was lost for words for a bit. "You rode a dragon!" she practically screamed.

"He has sensitive hearing. Calm down." Tessa winced.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Robin sputtered.

"Because I didn't know how you'd react. Right now, you're acting poorly." Tessa frowned. "Just touch him."

Robin approached the dragon and slowly reached out her hand. She halted and drew back her hand. "I'm sorry. I can't do-"

Then, Robin screamed. Ths dragon's slick tongue coated her in saliva. Tessa promptly scolded him.

"Robin, I'm so sorry!" Tessa apologised, "He-"

"Does that means he likes me?" Robin asked nervously.

The dragon gave a light nod.

"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm doing this. Please don't eat me." Robin begged, closing her eyes and sticking out a hand. She carefully cracked open her eyes when she made contact with the hard, smooth surface. When he didn't move to kill her, she carefully rubbed the surface. It felt like a stone found weathered in a river bed, or perhaps it felt like a plate of metal on a knight's armor.

"Wow," Robin commented.

Tessa smiled. "See? We don't have to be scared of dragons."

"Oh, I'm very scared," Robin corrected, gently stroking the dragon's head.

The dragon seemed to smirk.

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