Chapter 48

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I woke up in a dark unaccustomed room. Thick dusty cobwebs hung on the murky grey walls and the ground was stone. I was dressed in the same clothes from the night before. My makeup was sure to be smeared down my cheeks and my wild curls in matted tangles.

I had no clue how I'd got here. I have a throbbing headache from all the alcoholic beverages I had drunk the night before. The last thing I remember is meeting some of Niall's friends. They seemed cool.

There were no windows in this hideous space leading me to become confused of where I was. The room was deserted except from a small mirror hanging tilted on the wall mocking my existence. I stood and wandered around the minute space. The door was made or a sturdy metal making escaping seem impossible. I began to hammer against the brutal iron hoping for someone to pity me. But I had no such luck.


I lad lost count how many hours I had been stuck here. I sit slumped against the wall my head in my hands just thinking. There's only one person who could've take me. Blake. Deep down I knew it we him. I just hadn't wanted to admit it to myself.

He was there all along. Watching my every move. Just waiting for the right movement to pounce. I felt sick just thinking about him.

I began to feel light headed from sleep deprivation and the sickening stench of rotting drifting around the eerie room. I was just about to close my eyelids when the door swung open and a familiar figure entered

"Hello Princess" Blake purred his lips forming into a vulgar smirk. I immediately stood not wanting to seem intimidated.

"Don't call me that" I spat my eyes fixed on his bloodshot one.

"Oh princess, I'll call you what I like" he cackled beginning to advance me. I began to retreat backwards trying to escape the smell of alcohol drifting from his raspy breaths.

"Just leave me alone" I murmured my back hitting the cold wall.

"Don't worry darling I won't hurt you" he stated showing a full set of yellow teeth. His body stopped right in front of mine

"Piss off" I growled roughly pushing him backwards. Then I ran. Just like before. But this time I wasn't so lucky. As soon as I left the room I was met with a devious pair of eyes and a satisfied smirk. Katy.

"Surprise" she grinned folding her arms

"Wow my two favourite people in one room" I sarcastically remarked

"Am I going to have to gag you?" Snarled Blake

"You'll have to catch me first" I announced pushing Katy aside and beginning to run down the rundown hallway

"Oh, I wouldn't do that sweetheart" chuckled Blake. I stopped in my tracks to listen to what he had to say

"Why" I hissed

"If you leave chose to Leave. We'll kill Styles" announced Katy as two men entered the hallways through a door that was opposite to the room I had previously been in. I look behind them to see a unconscious Harry being dragged across the floor.

"HARRY" I yelled rushing to his side but I was stopped by Blake grabbing me and pulling me back

"Now do you see why you we warned you about leaving?" Blake slyly remarked

I struggled in his tight grasp but it was no use. He's to strong for me to fight against. He always had been. I screamed for help causing Blake and Katy to laugh. They knew no one would help me. At least someone got joy out of my pain.

"Just throw them both in that room" ordered Blake releasing me and letting the two huge men shove us into the room I had first been in.

I instantly sat down next to Harrys limp body and cradled him in my arms. I wondered how Blake had got Harry hear in the first place. Harry had always been to strong for him.

"Lily?" Harry stuttered his emerald eyes fluttering open and staring directly into mine

"Yeah it's me" I murmured as he sat up and pulled me into a hug.

"He tricked me Lils. He made me think they'd took you again. When I got here he drugged me and shoved me into an empty room" Harry explained ashamed of his actions.

"It's okay" I softly mumbled nuzzling my head into his warm chest

"I love you Lily" Harry stated pressing a soft kiss to my forehead

"I love you to Harry" I replied clasping his hand and holding it tightly

We sat on the freezing stone floor for hours just holding each other. Neither of us had the energy to try and escape as we knew it was pointless. All we could do was wait.


Just a quick update

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter

Much Love

~Simply1d_boys X

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