We'll Fight This Together ➢ Jimin

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[I know you guys already know about the announcement about our dear jiminie right? Yes, he is diagnosed on a accute appendicitis and yesterday, January 31.. His surgery was successful thankfully but the medical teams confirmed that he's positive on Covid 19. I bet he's on a quarantine right now, hope he get well soon. I know he's sad and lonely that make us ARMY'S feel very sad too but maybe, we should just pray for his fast recovery. I hope he get better soon and come back on giving smiles to all of people's face. I made an imagine for this that i hope y'all like cause actually me.. This is what i want to happen. I want that I'm always with him, taking care of him until he gets better. Hope you like this, borahae💜]

"Y/n. .   I think we shouldn't go." Jimin tugged on your shirt as you two are on your way to the entrance of the hospital. He's diagnosed with an accute appendicitis and today, surgery will have to be done.

"What? Why? Hey baby, This is for your own good. We have to do this—You have to do this. This'll help you feel better quickly, Okay? Just always remember I'm always here for you." You said and smile at him.

"It's just. . . I— I'm scared." He said as he slightly lowered his head.

"So do i. But. . . . But i just think on the positive side. I'm tough cause you're with me. You're my strength, so please— You should too." You said as you caressed his cheeks. He just smile at you before nodding his head.

"But promise me. You'll be there when i woke up. . . Please?" He asked in a very low voice. He do that when he's nervous, you know that.

"Yes baby. I'll be there, always." You smiled at him as you nod your head. He grab your hands and kissed it. You smiled and kiss his forehead before entering the hospital, hand in hand with him. It'll help for the comfort he needed.

You have to look tough infront of him even though you're really hurt. Your heart almost stopped beating when you saw him suffering pain, it broke your world into a trillion pieces. You don't want to see him in pain, you don't want to see him so hurt, you don't want to see him so lonely— but even you can't do anything about it. Now, you wish you're just the one who can feel those pain. You'll just give him the comfort he wants and needed right now.

"Don't worry baby. I'll be out here. I'll wait for you, okay? Don't worry. I'll never leave." You said.

"Y/n. . . .Wait for me, okay?" He asked as you two see the doctor walk into the surgery room.

"I will." You smiled. He pulled you into a tight hug before giving you a soft 8 second kiss on the lips. He just smiled as you two parted, then he headed to the room. Your smile drop as long as you saw his figure disappear behind the door as it closes.

You didn't stop your tears anymore, it already burst nonstop. You sat on the stall as you burried your face on your palms. You can't stop yourself to be worried. You. . . You can't stop yourself on thinking what can possibly happen. You sob and sob as you bit your lip to not make any sound.

"I will always stay beside you, i'll take care of you, you're a strong man my love. . . Ofcourse you can do it. This surgery will be a success." You said this to your self again and again and again. He's a strong man. . .Ofcourse he can do it.

You slowly stopped crying with a long deep breathe. You wiped your tears from your cheeks and smile before looking at the door. Even though your heart ache so much, even though it really hurts so much— You have to stay tough.




"The surgery was a success Miss Y/n, and Mr. Park is on his room now. He's still unconscious but i know he'll wake up soon. He really needs to eat healthy foods cause it'll help him for a fast recovery. Tell him that he shouldn't exhaust and starve himself as well. Most patients leave the hospital 1 to 2 days after surgery. The good news is that he'll be able to go back to all those normal activities within 2 to 4 weeks. But the bad news is. . . He's positive on Covid 19, he needs to be transferred to a quarantine facility or be quarantined on his house or apartment but he needs someone to take care of him." The doctor explained. It breaks your heart for real.

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