Kisses Pt. 2 ➢ Jimin

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You took off your phone on the ride home. You just finished your chocolates so...

"What are you smiling at?" Jimin asked. You look to him.

"Nothing, just drive there." You move to the very side but Jimin looks so pissed.

"Okay, i'm looking to a hot guy here on my phone, happy? Now just drive and get us home." You said. You were taken aback when he suddenly stopped the car.

"Owww." You pouted and massaged your forehead. He looked at you and snatched your phone.

"And who's hot guy is th-" his face went blank.

"I told you, its a hot guy." You smirked a bit. He looked at you and cutely scrunched his face with a pout. Yeah, the 'hot guy' you were looking on your phone is him. No other than your pissed husband.

"Aish y/n, stop being so naughty."he gave you back your phone. He drive off home.

"Today was pretty fun, but not in the time i was being ignored." You marched inside the house.

"Yah, i said sorry."he chuckled.

"Hmp." You marched up to your room.

"Yah, stop being so childish."he laughed seeing your facial expression.

"Well I'm a childish one! Then if you don't like it, just leave me alone! And says who, who becomes so upset when he knew that i didn't want his kisses but the chocolate! Just continue flirting with that waitress, you deserve better." You rolled your eyes and stomped inside the room.

"Aish y/n, why so cheeky?"he chuckled. He followed you to the room. His smile widened once he saw you laying down the bed, back facing his direction.

"Y/n, minnie so sorry, forgive me already. I'm just messing with you, hey."he layed down beside you.

"Hmp, meshing with you. It's not even funny." You mimicked with a tiny small voice.

"Forgive minnie already?"he kissed your temples. Now you know where this'll end up. You already knew his strategy.

"Minnie's such a meanie to me." You mumbled with an eye roll. He hugged you closer to him as he's now kissing your cheeks.

"Don't you want my kisses?" he asked.

"I hate you, go away." You moved away from him but he still moved closer.

"Why is Park Y/n being so cheeky this sudden? Huh?" Now, kiss on your cheekbone.

"Just stop, i said go away." you murmured.

"You know i won't stop doing this until you forgive me." Kiss on your jawline then on your chin. You're close on giggling at his lips' touch but you just want to keep it hiden. You sat up and glared at him. You moved out the bed.

"Where are you going? Let's cuddle."he slightly pouted.

"I need to pee! Pabo." You stomped out the room and headed downstairs. He just smiled, following you down. He saw you drinking some water. He smiled and sneaked for a back hug.

"Just forgive me already." You can imagine him doing that fake cry thing again. Serves you right, tch. Suddenly, you felt a sting of pain on your head then to your torso.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, swinging you that made you face him.

"I'm feeling a little dizzy." You said, massaging your temples.

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