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Waking to the irritating sound of my alarm, my hand searched my bedside table for my phone to turn off my alarm. Once I find it, I open my eyes adjusting to the light shining on my sleepy eyes and turn it off.

It was 7.00am, and I supposed I had to get up and go to school, abbreviated as "hell."

I slowly take my feet out from the warm duvet and place them on the cold floor, I shiver and take my duvet over my shoulders and walk over to my dresser.
After pulling out and trying on numerous clothes I settled on a casual Tuesday look- my grey hoodie and my black high waisted skinnies.
I tie my long blonde hair into a messy bun and make my way to the bathroom.

My phone rings, and I check the number before I proceed, once I see the number I immediately ignore it.
It was the same unknown number that called every day. I had never heard the persons voice,just heavy breathing, and then they'd hang up after precisely one minute then text me a letter 'H'. I just assumed it was a a little kid trying to pull a prank. I'm sure one of my little brothers friends.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put my everyday makeup on and then packed my bag. I looked at my phone and seen 3 missed calls. This was unusual as the person would only call once. I didn't let it make me feel scared, as the kid probably really wanted me to answer. I called the number,because enough was enough, and I didn't expect another call again.

"Hey! If this is a joke,it's not funny! I don't want you calling this number again, and if you call me again I will call the police!" I threatened, that oughta scare the little cunt.
Instead of hearing a panicked squeal, I heard a manly chuckle, which sent my courage down a couple notches.
"Oh so you're a man? Oh how fucking mature! Nothing better to do than prank call a teenage girl,huh? Grow the fuck up- call this number and I will call the police." I snapped, he chuckled again.
"Oh,sweetheart-you have no idea what you have just got yourself into." He sneered, a British accent lingered on his words.
"Oh well I'm so fucking scared! Now leave me alone- I mean it I'll call the police!" I said sternly, then forth hanging up on the lowlife and making my way out the door, without my breakfast.

I stormed to my Mini Cooper my mum had bought me for my 16th. I only had one driving test but I was only allowed to drive it to school.
I started the car and the radio came on, I was pleased to hear my favourite song was on. I sang along to it,but not sounding like Kelly Clarkson.
Unaware that my window was down and I was singing at the top of my lungs and I had reached the car park of the school, and a couple of jocks laughed at me. I slammed my head on the wheel in embarrassment, only to beep the horn. The day keeps getting better, doesn't it?
When I come out of my car, I see jocks pointing at me and laughing, and popular girls sniggering and probably bitching about my clumsiness to one another.
I walk into the entrance of the school and run to home room- I have 5 minutes till I'm late.
As soon as I get into the stuffy room,with 30 odd pupils, I shuffle into my usual chair, next to my best friend Louis.

"Hey!" He smiled at me, I gave him a small smile back.
"Hi Lou." I said,
"You okay?" He asked,furrowing his eyebrows. I can tell Louis anything,but I didn't want to ruin his day too.
"Yeah I'm alright, you?" I said,
"Yeah, you sure? You look pissed off."
"Just car troubles this morning, and I didn't have my breakfast." I chuckled,
"I have a cereal bar in my bag,you can have it." Louis said, reaching into his bag and bringing out a coco pops cereal bar.
"Thanks Lou." I said, munching on the bar.
Louis giggled, and he pulled out his phone and played a game.
I sighed, as I finished off my cereal bar.
"Class!" Our home room teacher Mrs.Monté bellows, quietening the noisy classroom.
"Thank you. We have a new pupil joining us today, his name is Harry Styles. He's came all the way from England, come on in Harry."
A boy with brown tousled hair walked in, his green eyes electrified from across the room, and locked on mine.
He bit his pink plump lip, and ran his tongue over the part he had nibbled at.
"Please,take a seat where you're comfortable." Mrs.Monté said, as the boy moved closer to me. He took the seat right next to me.
"Hi,I'm Lucy." I smiled at the new boy,
"I know." He chuckled... My eyes widened, it was him! He was the unknown caller, I'm sure of it.
"I'm sorry-what?" I stuttered,
My reply was not received as the bell went for first period.
"W-wait!" I called at the boy,
He vanished into the corridors as I sighed,I began my walk to French.


So this is my first fanfic on this account ☺️ hope it's okay for the first chapter- this is defo one of my priorities!

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