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We walked through the crowded mall looking through shop windows, sighing at the expense of the clothes.

"Omg I just got a message,Brian Mace is having a house party tonight! We are defo going!" Grace cheered,grabbing my forearm and running toward the valet.

"Grace! For god sake!" I panted,rubbing the painful marks her French nails left.

"Well we need to go and get ready! Party starts in an hour." Grace said, pushing me into her car and starting it up.

"But I've got nothing to wear!" I whined,

"That's why we are going to mine."

I silenced myself and pulled out my phone , texting my mum and telling her I'm staying at Graces.

Of course I'm not telling her I'm going to a party packed with hormonal teenagers and alcohol- with a possibility of drugs.


"Does this go with my lipstick?" Grace asked,pressing a black tube dress against her.

I nodded while pulling a knee length tube skirt on, and putting on a crop top and black wedges. It was a drastic change from my jeans and converse, and I felt feminine.

"Oh my G!" Grace gasped, as she saw me.

I giggled a little, and applied some makeup.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked,

"Not yet! We need a selfie before we go out." Grace said,taking out her phone and pouting as she took a snap of us, she looked down at the photo and put an effect on it.

"Love it-I'm going to put this as my cover photo."

We walked out the door and drove to the house.

There was drunken teenagers puking on the lawn,a group laughing and smoking and a David Guetta song booming from the house.

We parked it a few meters away from the house-in case drunk kids get the eggs and toilet paper out.

We walked out the car and we already had some wolf whistling.

As we entered the house, the music was loud and there was red beer cups being thrown across the hall as the cringey "I just met you" couples ate each other's faces.

"I'm going to get drink,call me if you need me." Grace said, putting her phone in her bra and tottering off.

I decided to walk around and see if I known anyone.

"Hey sexy." A boy slurred,

"Hello." I laughed, I made my way to the kitchen and seen drunk teenagers chug down beer, and boys chanting a football song.

I took a beer can from the fridge and walked into the living room and sat on the sofa,next to a few people who were on their phones.

After a few beers, I started getting dizzy. I decided to go out and get some air, until I bumped into a muscular figure, I stepped back and shook my head at my clumsiness.

"Sorry, I've had a few drinks..." I stuttered, I looked up at the person and my mouth dropped open.

It was him.

It was Harry.

"That's okay darling, I'll take you outside for some air." He smirked,holding on to my small hand.

"No, no it's fine I'll just go myself. I need to find my friend anyways so we can go home." I said, making my way past him until he grabbed my shoulder, and pulled me back.

"I can help you find her, and plus- I need some air as well," He offered,

"Okay." I gave in, I had questions I had yet had answers to and this could be the perfect time to get them. I needed to know if it was him, and why he was doing it.

We sat on the veranda, Harry pulled out a cigarette and lit it, offering me a draw.

"No I don't smoke." I rejected the offer,he chuckled lightly.

"So you're one of them good girls?" He put the cigarette in his mouth, and took a puff.

"Um, I don't know?" I mumbled, holding my hand against my throbbing head.

"You seem like one." He said, putting out his cigarette then helping me back on to my feet."Let's go find Grace..."

"Wait-how did you know I was looking for Grace?" I questioned,

"I just figured since you don't really have any other friends but her." Harry said,

I furrowed my brow, but then I shook it off. I had other things to worry about than him knowing who my friends were.

"Harry can I ask you something?" I said, he nodded. I cleared my throat, as I opened my mouth I was interrupted by my clumsy feet tripping over a deck chair.

Harry laughed at my clumsiness and helped me up.

"Why don't I just take you home? You're way too drunk- and I doubt Grace is sober." Harry said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"No- Harry I'm fine, I'll just walk with Grace." But Harry wouldn't take no for an answer,

"No, I'm driving you home." He sternly said.

"Fine." I muttered, to be honest I was far too tired to go looking for Grace and also I wouldn't want to be walking home by myself because I don't trust the area.

Perhaps Harry would answer my questions I've been longing to ask, and perhaps in a car I am free from any fold out chairs that could interrupt.

Once we got to the front of the house, there was a grey van that Harry climbed into, I followed him and sat in the passenger, rubbing my numb fingers- preventing them from the nippiness of the cold air.

I pursed my lips as I put the radio on, flicking the channels trying to find a decent song.
I turned it up loud when my favourite song came on; All time low-therapy.
I began singing along,
Harry turned to me,his rose lips parted. He then closed his lips acknowledging I was looking at him,
"This is my favourite song..." He chuckled softly,
"It's mines too..." I said, the car began to stop as we parked outside my house.

"Thanks for the ride, see you at school." I said getting out of the car and going into my house.

"Why are you so back early?" Mum asked me meeting my sight at the door.
"What?" I confusingly asked,
"You were staying at Grace's?"
I bit my lip,
" I felt sick, I didnt want to be a burden so I left but I left Grace a text to wake up to."
"Oh okay, well go up to bed and rest.Mum said, I mentally fist pumped at the fact she bought it.
I trailed up to my bed and collapsed into it and almost instantly falling asleep.

Bonjour gals and girls!

Okay so that chapter three, comment,vote and share please<3

mazza xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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