Chapter 6

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As soon as I woke the next morning with a new found energy, I jumped out of bed and practically sprinted to the guy's rooms. I quickly checked the time when I was sprinting and it was only 6 am , wow I didn't think I'd actually wake up this early. Kieran , Ryan and I had alot to discuss, so I decided to wake them up. Very dramatically of course.

"RYAN! KIERAN! OH NO HEEEEEEEEEEEELP ME!" I shouted out dramatically. Not a minute later I heard bare feet hitting the floor when both guys come barging into the living room,where I was actually rolling on the floor from laughing so much.

I heard two collective sighs of relief and decided to tell then what that creepy old guy told me yesterday.

"Morning my, currently, two favourite people on the planet." I said, way to cheerfully.

" why are you in such a good mood oh and good morning cupcake." Ryan said. Kieran looked just as confused as him but decided to keep quiet and hear what I had to say.

"So, I wanne tell you what happend yesterday when I blacked out." I said excitment still evident in my voice.

"There was this old sounding guy that told me to go to my moms lab, wierd right? I thought so to but he said that you guys will know where it is and how to get there, once we're there we can well...I haven't figured it out yet." I rushed out .

"Uh...ok , great plan but I have no idea where it is buuuut Kieran is bound to know , right Kieran?" Ryan said while eyeing Kieran mysteriously and gave him a very hard pat on the back. While his lips where tugging upward.

"Yea I know where it is but let me warn you it wont be easy getting in there are guards everywhere "

"That's amazing but how do know where it is and have you been there before?" I asked

" worked there for a few years but then his boss fired him for drinking on the job , that doesn't matter right now though we need to get going it quit far from here ." He said .

I walked into the room to change. I put on grey sweatpants and I baby blue butterfly hoody. I just wanted to be comfy today especially if we were gonna be driving for long. I put my hair into to dutch braids and went to the kitchen.

Although I did find it kinda suspicious that that they hadn't told me that they were in some way involved with this whole lab thing. I shrugged it it and continued into the kitchen .

As I walked in i saw Ryan making a sandwich and Kieran packing what looked to be a hiking back .

"So where exactly is this place because by the looks of it we're gonna be walking very far. " I said pointing to all the sandwiches and the hiking bag

"Yea , so you see we are gonna drive most of the way but we have a days walk after,we have to walk to the lab from there." Kieran informed me

I decided that my sweats where not what you should if your going to walking for a day. I went back to the room to put on leggings but I kept the hoodie on since it was kinda cold outside.

I helped pack the rest of the stuff we apparently needed . I mean why did we even pack a grapeling hook , this isn't a cringy spy movie . I laughed at myself internally at that.

Since the terrain was a bit rocky where we would be driving we took Kieran's red , rusted pick up truck. I had to sit between Ryan and Kieran since there wasn't really a back seat. Not gonna lie it was a little cramped , being in a smallish space with grown men/guys next to you .

The first few minutes it was quit , it wasn't awkward though it was kinda relaxing. The soft country music playing in the background.

"So how long is the drive gonna be and what is our plan when we actually get to the lab?" Ryan asked curiously and I could tell he was a little nervous,hell! I was also a bit scared.

"Kieran said it would be about a four hour drive . I haven't really thought that far as to what we're going to do when we get there,"I replied," ok.... we'll sneak inside , thanks to Kieran who seems to know alot, then we'll see what's going on then try to destroy or like dis-activate it."

He looked sort of relieved that I at least had a semi well thought out plan , but hey maybe I'm just saying that to make myself feel better.

I looked down amd saw a  blue knitted blanket neatly folded up on the floor , I picked it up and held it towards Kieran

"Is it ok if I borrowed this?" I asked while looking towards him.

I thought I saw , what could be ,a flash of sadness in his eyes but it was gone just as quick as it came . He silently nodded and I muttered a "thank you" .

I through the soft blanket over me and some of it went onto the guys since the blanket was big and the space small.

I closed my eyes and felt myself relax into the seat and closed my tired eyes .

I just wanted to got to sleep and let the song of slumber sing me off to a other world . Even if it was just for a few hours.

It didn't actually take me long to fall asleep,  just as I was going under i thought of what may happen when we get there .


I heard both Kieran and I sigh in relief he and I needed to talk . We couldn't do that though when liz was awake .

"We have to tell her the truth, the guilt is eating me up from the inside out . You need to tell her everything. " I exasperatedly whispered to him,as to not wake her up.

"We can't she won't trust us or anyone else then , she'll never forgive us." He said solemnly while looking at the road

"This is bullshit we have to-" I said frustrated but got cut off by Kieran who whispered over me

"We can't ok , how would you react if someone told you that you parents aren't your parents? Or that no one ever actually cared for you ? That you where just an experiment to them just like us ? She would be crushed,"he said",I cant do that to her."

He whispered the last part so softly I almost didn't hear him. He looked so broken . I understood that we both care about her so much.

"The sooner we do it the better I think it will be please tell , please you have to give her the truth. " I practically begged him. I wouldn't be able to tell her . I don't want her to feel that emotion ,the emotion I felt when I was told the truth

"Ok I'll tell her in three days when we get back from the lab , I just need to think over everything, I just....",He paused," I just need time."

I nodded . Five seconds later I felt a soft pressure on my shoulder and saw that Elizabeth's head was resting on it . She looked so calm and carefree,  I liked seeing her so...relaxed .

She must have been getting cold 'cause she lifted her feet o to the seat and tucked them securely under Kieran's thigh. She put her ice cold hands behind my back . She was kind of lying on my stomach/lap

She was so small compared to us she fit perfectly into the small space between us and looked so comfortable. The rest of the ride was quit , liz sleeping soundly in between us. The scenery going past us in a blur

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