Chapter 8

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We packed up in less than an hour. I didn't really want to start walking again as I was a little stiff from yesterday.

"So like can I ask you guys like a wierd question,  you can say no but like is wanted to ask?." I asked them

"Sure , ask away ."

"What is more believable , a horse with a horn or a leopard , moose camel with a forty foot neck?"I asked

A chuckle leaves Ryan's lips "And what brought up that wierd question?"

"Well...I don't know it just popped into my mind."

" I would say a unicorn you know what I dont actually know." Rayn lets out another small laugh.

Its quit for a moment until Ryan asks "If you could be any animal , fantasy or real what would it be and why?" I could see he didnt want it to be as quit as yesterday and neither did I.

"Ok , I would either be an elephant or an eagle . For the elephant because it's so beautiful, big and looks wise and for the eagle to have the freedom to fly wherever you want to got ." I told them

"I would be a llama cause if I dont like someone or something I can spit at it and kick them where the sun dont shine ." Spoke Ryan

I looked expectantly at Kierans walking form clearing me throat I asked him what he would be .

"I would be,"he took a moment to think," a wolf , because they are silent and free and have the power to do so much ."

"Wow , that was kinda deep , way to kill the vibe dude , good choice though ." It was silent again after that .

The rest of the walk was quite , other than the light chit chat between us . We had been walking for what felt like 20 min but in retro spect it had been 2 hours. I was,surprising, not that tired or stiff today which I was thankful for .

2 hours later was when Kieran called back to us that we were at the "entrance" whatever that was . He had walked quit far ahead of us and when I looked up again he was sitting on a rock , looking at something on the ground .

"What are you looking at ?"I asked once iw as next to him , slightly out of  breath from speed walking up the hill we were on .

"These foot prints,"he sounded confused, " look, there are four different sets but all in the same lines , it's as if the person who walked here has 4 different legs ."

We started walking again and he shrugged it off but was a little tense for a while after.

"We're here,  up front are the gates I think , I haven't been here in a while so memory is kinda hazy." Kieran told us .

I looked ahead of us the gates came into view. They were 8 meters tall and were painted a silver and rusted gold color.  They were pointed on the top , with a few birds sitting on them .I couldn't see further than the gate because there was this huge ,green forest , that could have been to wierd and dangerous things.

I gulped silently, I don't think I would be able to go in there if I was alone , I'm so glad the guys are here.

"So, um are we going in there ?" I asked to know one in particular.

"No , there are to many things lurking at the entrance , there is a side entrance that not many people know of , we'll go through there." Kieran replied.

He left no room for argument and started walking to the western side of the gate , the forest looked to be less creepy and dark there but still not something I wanted to just blindly walk into.

We had only been walking for 30 min when a tunnel came into view . I looked at Kierans muscular back and wondered how many times a week this guy goes to the gym. Next my eyes slipped down to his big calves that could kill me if stepped on. My eyes trailed to his arms , his forearm was almsot as big as my whole arm .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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