What Happens Next? (22)

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I had cried myself to sleep right after Chris left my room. Many times, I would hear tiny knocks asking to come in. It was either my dad or Chris.

You're probably wondering why I forgave my father after all the abuse. It's simple yet so complicating to explain.

He's the only one that acknowledges his wrongdoings unlike certain people. *Cough cough* Evan and my "mom."

I sigh and finally get up from the bed. It was around ten in the morning on a Sunday. Might as well chill.

When I'm done getting dressed and finishing my hygiene I walk downstairs ready to face the harsh reality.

I walk around noticing that no one is home. That's...strange. I shrug it off and walk into the living room turning on the tv.

I flipped through the channels and stopped when I found a prerecorded episode of Empire. Oh, how I love this show.

The door bell rings causing me to jump. I slowly shuffle my feet to the front door and open it only to find the least expected person there.

My eyes widen in surprise and my mouth agape from shock. Holy fudge. I intake a sharp breath as I stand bewildered at the sight in front of me.

The "it" AKA my mother and Evan standing there with all their glory. I gulp trying to ease the lump formed in my throat.

My mouth begins to feel dry and like cotton. Suddenly anger fuels up within me. Adrenaline pumps through my veins causing a vein to thrust out of my forehead.

"Baby. Look, let me explain." It says while Evan nods his head vigorously in agreement.

"My name is Alex not baby." I hiss out through clenched teeth. It sighs and nods her head.

"Alex, please let me explain." I stand there silently telling her to continue the "explanation" or what I like to call excuse.

She sighs again and brings her fingers to her temple gently rubbing trying to ease her headache.

"I know you're upset-" she gets cut off by me before she could even finish a sentence.

"Oh I'm beyond upset. I'm fucking pissed." I harshly say causing the both of them to flinch. I let out a stream of air from my mouth all in the state of frustration.

"Don't cut me off." She says in a more demanding tone. I scowl at the way she talked to me. I had a reason to flip off on her, but she didn't.

"Like I was saying, I know you're upset. But, hear me out. I did everything for a reason. If I had gotten involved with you it would've been so much worse. I left because I couldn't handle the fact that I can't hold my baby girl and protect her in my arms. So, I decided that suicide was the best way. But, with me having bad luck, it didn't work. I, for once was glad because I had a new clean plate instead. Your father didn't know about me not being dead, so he assumed I was because he didn't hear anything back. But trust me, I do love you." She said the word father in disgust as she explained the whole thing. But me being me, I get extremely furious. Like over the top furious.

"If you would've held me and protected me, it wouldn't be worst. I wasn't an abomination I just had a load of expectations. You protecting me would've actually helped. He loved, loves you. So, he wouldn't have put a finger on me if you hadn't just stood by and did nothing. You don't love me, you're looking for an excuse to actually try to say you do."

She flinched under my cold and harsh words. But fire glazed in her eyes. So, I guess my temper comes from her.

"I'm not using some lame excuse to love you. I genuinely love you whether you like it or not. A relationship between a mother and a daughter is either mutual or one-sided. It works both for hatred and love." She yells getting angrier by the second.

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