Epilogue- The Flawed and The Flawless (30)

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*4 years later*

"Stop squirming!" My mother scolds as she stared at my reflection in the mirror. She is currently doing my hair, and Layla is doing my makeup.

"I can't help it. The brushes tickle and hurt at the same time and I feel like I have a thick layer of frosting on my face. Like, no lie what did you put on my face?!" I exclaim throwing my hands up in the air for a dramatic emphasis.

"Calm down woman! It's just foundation, concealer, eyeliner, lip gloss, mascara, bronzer, powder, and a little bit of eyeshadow. Ooh, and I'm contouring like Kim K." Layla informs me while I stare off into the distance with confusion and a raised eyebrow in question.

"I don't know half of those things! I don't wear seventy-five percent of those items! What is wrong with you?! Kim K?!! I probably look like a clown with all those layers!" I heave out frustrated.

"Wow... that wasn't offensive at all." Layla reveals a hurt expression and pats her heart.

"Not at all." Faye adds in with her sarcasm.

"Hey... sarcasm is my thing, don't steal it." I jokingly reprimand while they have their mouth agape in shock.

"Seriously? That's all you care about? Not about the fact that you offended Layla?" Faye questions shaking her head in disapproval and the others join in.

"I was just kidding. Gosh, can't even take a joke little buttholes." I grumble out crossing my arms while slouching down a little in my chair.

"Stay still." Carol scolds slapping my arm a little.

"Ouch." I yell out even though it didn't hurt that bad I just like doing theatrics. I begin to rub my arm whilst pouting.

"We love you too butthole!" Layla and Faye announces in synch.

"Hey! Saying butthole is also my thing. You guys are little thieves!" I pout mainly joking while they have on a Cheshire grin.

"I can't believe people can take you seriously when you say words like those every single day." Faye chuckles out and the rest nod in agreement.

"You guys are all little buttholes." I mutter out not loud enough for them to hear.

"Huh?" Layla asks and I shake my head in response.

"Nothing!" I flash her a fake grin and she looks at me suspiciously but dismisses it after saying 'okay?' hesitantly.

"I can't believed my baby girl is getting married." My mom says with tears welling up in her eyes. Once she's done curling my hair and taking a piece of hair from each side of my head pulling it into a half up hairdo pinning it with a pearl beret, she pulls out the plug and begins wiping her falling tears with her free hand.

Yep, you've heard it guys. I, Alexandra, is getting married. I'm guessing you already know who my soon-to-be-husband is. His proposal was so adorable, amazing, and breath-taking that I cried my eyes out.


I was sitting on the couch talking with Layla and Faye as each one of them carried a child. Layla has Alex in her arms and Faye has Christina. I stared at them adoringly.

"So... He hasn't popped the big question yet? It starts with 'will' and ends with 'me' with a 'you marry' in the middle." Layla urges causing me to laugh.

"That's a cute way of putting it and no, he hasn't. When we're both ready, fate will decide." I shrug while Faye and Layla frowns but then mask it in seconds. Oh, they learn so much in hiding their emotions from me. I shake my head chuckling a little as I watch them carry my kids.

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