What The Hell Just Happened? (16)

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*Caution there is going to be a wild scene. I repeat a wild scene. Don't say I didn't warn you (sing song voice).*

Her face instantly pales at those words I let slip out my mouth. Well, wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. I mean who goes pale when someone just proclaimed-well implied-their undying love to you.

Her face began to regain its full color back as she snapped into her senses.

"Please. Don't say that." She said in a sad whispering tone as she hugged herself.

"But it's true." Now my voice was in a sad whisper. I tried to reach for her hand, but she back away. Ouch. I pulled my hand down slowly to my side as I balled it into a fist. "You're right. I shouldn't say that. Now let's just get to school."

She slightly nodded her head and took off. I blew a small puff of air out of my mouth. This whole 'getting her back without forcing or hurting her' thing was getting harder by the minute.

Soon after her, I took off following her trail. After a few minutes of obvious speeding, we arrived at her school only to be welcomed with the ending bell.

Well, there goes my education. I searched the parking lot for Alex, but she wasn't there. It was like she disappeared into thin air.

I waited for a long ten minutes only to find her talking with Eric. Normally, I wouldn't be mad but she was laughing and smiling at everything he said. So was he.

Out of nowhere, she bit her lip, ran a hand through her hair, and smiled brightly. They were all signs of her liking someone.

My chest tightened making it hard to breathe. She was falling for someone, and it wasn't me.

I gripped the handle so hard my knuckles turn white. My worry turned into sadness which turned into jealousy which then turned into anger.

I revved up the motorcycle and drove her way.

"Get on." I spoke through clenched teeth.

"What?" She asked in pure confusion.

"I said get on." My voice came out in a demanding tone.

Her confusion turned into anger. "You can't tell me what to do!" She practically yelled across the campus.

"Oh I can and I will." I shot back after letting out a scoff in disbelief.

"No you can't and I won't stand here taking in all that bull crap from you because you're just fucking jealous." She yelled back with a more forceful tone.

She then huffed out a breath in annoyance and stomped her way to her bike. I didn't know if I should feel relieved that she left Eric or sad because she's mad at me. I chose the first.

I heard Eric whistle out in a 'you're totally in some drama shit' tone. I sent him a glare telling him to shut up, but he only laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced at the contact and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Dude, if you want her fix what you just did because she's totally pissed at you." He let down his hand and I rolled back my tense shoulders.

"Thank you mister state-the-obvious." He rolled his eyes then walked away. Good, only God and I knows what I would've done if he stayed longer.

When Alex and I arrived at her mansion, she gave me the silent treatment, which I wouldn't have usually cared for but she's Alex.

"Alex, wait up." I chased after her as I turned her around to face me. She sent daggers my way then took off towards the entrance. "Why are you so mad at me?"

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