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Welcome to my first ONC attempt ever. I'm sorry in advance for the wackiness you are about to suffer through. As none of the prompts in my usual genres interested me, I forayed into the romance territory.

And we all know how I feel about romance. Or if you don't, then I guess you'll find out. ;)

Here we go! 


47. You're attracted to a well dressed person sharing your elevator while you are being late to reach the office. You could never think how to initiate a conversation and hence ignore each other until your elevator gets stuck at the 70th floor and blacks out.

GENRE: Changing this to Action/Adventure. There's no way this MC is smart enough to know what a Mystery is even if it came up to him and slapped him.


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Copyright © 2022 by Alex J Wynter

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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