7. Breakfast of Pancakes

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He got pancakes for breakfast.

They were fluffy and stacked three high, and were topped with strawberries and cream. Sam wolfed it down in seconds, feeling deliriously happy. How many times had he asked Gran if he could have breakfast in bed? She'd never agreed, but now he got to sit with a wooden tray over his knees, as snug as a bug in a rug.

Eating all that food was hard work, and it didn't take long for Sam to finish off all his juice. He eyed the empty bottle mournfully, before hesitantly turning towards Dr Jenny.

"Can I get some more, please?"

The bald man merely smiled. He didn't say a word, or even lift a finger. That made it all the more impressive when, barely a minute later, an attendant showed up at the glass door with a bottle of cold orange juice.

Dr Jenny rose and met the attendant at the door, opening it just wide enough to receive the juice. A quiet murmur passed between them. Then the door was closed, the attendant left, and Dr Jenny brought Sam his orange juice.

Wow, Sam thought. This spa place really knew their business.

"You know, Sam," his grandmother's voice drifted out from a distant memory, "if something is too good to be true, it probably is. You can't just believe everything people tell you. That's half the reason you end up in these stupid predicaments."

Thanks Gran. Sam beamed at orange juice. This whole thing really was too good to be true, but that was no surprise. Since it came from his grandmother, of course it was going to be awesome.

Dr Jenny kept him company throughout breakfast, although the bald doctor chose not to eat anything. Instead he seemed content to simply watch as Sam devoured the food. When Sam finished, the good doctor simply held out a napkin.

Sam grabbed it, tickled pink at the service. He wiped his hands and face, and then watched at Dr Jenny took the tray to the door. The same attendant from before showed up to take it away.

"I hope breakfast was to your satisfaction," Dr Jenny said, once he settled back in his chair.

"Oh yes!" Sam nodded. "It was great, thank you."

Dr Jenny appeared pleased to hear it. "Excellent. Now, if you don't mind, I must ask you some questions."

"Okay." Sam twisted to adjust the pillows behind them. He'd stacked three on top of each other to make a comfy backrest. Once he had them where he wanted them, he settled down with his hands resting on his blanket-covered lap. 

Next would be the therapy session, he guessed. And although he'd never gone to therapy before, he was looking forward to it. This was where he told the doctor all about his problems and the doctor would give him life-changing advice, right?

"I want to ask you about the girl in the elevator," Dr Jenny said.

Sam's face fell. Why did he have to talk about this again? Wasn't this supposed to be a relaxing spa day to help him recover from the terrors of yesterday? He didn't want to talk about the girl in the elevator. She was scary. It might be difficult to think of some, but Sam was sure he could come up with other problems to talk about instead.

"I know it's difficult," Dr Jenny reassured him. "But I need to know more information so I can help you."

Help? Sam blinked. Why would –

Oh. Oh wow.

It took a moment for him to understand, but when it did, it was like a grand choir lifted their arms and belted out a wonderful, harmonizing chord. He grinned, then immediately ducked his head, somewhat embarrassed.

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