Diavolo's Frustration and Teenage Fun - 7

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That day had been long and very awkward for Diavolo, Kira and Doppio. Of course, after Diavolo kissed Kira, he had felt extremely flustered and had been forced to question himself for the rest of the day. He couldn't force it to wait until after school given that it was Co Stanly on his mind, so throughout the rest of his work day he was completely out of it. For Kira, he ended up sitting at his desk during  whatever breaks he had and reliving the moment over and over, still getting just as embarrassed each time. He felt guilty over it, but he had begun to want to keep Diavolo close to himself. That night they spent together, despite what he wanted to feel about it, had been special to him. It had been something he'd never shared with anyone else before, and he was becoming less and less willing to lose the person who gave him that, even if he'd never know why it was so special to him.

With the day over, Diavolo packed his suitcase and headed to his car, casually greeting some of the students which regularly talked to him and making small talk with any coworkers who happened to be passing by. Of course, it all ended once he got to his car and once Leone went to try to wrangle Mista and Narancia into his car so they could head home. Diavolo was left alone once again. While he got into his car, he internally debated whether or not he should stop at the liquor store and get something, but he just shrugged the desire off and started to head home.

Doppio had left around an hour earlier with Risotto. He didn't have another class left in the day so when he went to the nurse to sign himself out, with falsified verification from his father, of course, she asked very little questions at all. Risotto had tagged along, but just skipped rather than signing himself out. Doppio protested very little to the idea given that he both needed a ride and enjoyed the company. The ride was nice and quiet, the air still warm from the remnants of summer clinging to the coming fall winds. The windows of Risotto's old, beat up pickup remained open, which Doppio didnt quite mind given that the interior smelled strongly of a combination of weed and a half assed attempt to cover it with a dollar store air freshener.

"My dad probably won't be home for a while," Doppio had told the other teen. "You can stay for a while. I doubt he'd really care anyway. He likes you." He had turned to look out the window as he said it, just so that his hair would stop blowing into his eyes. Risotto glanced to him and then back to the road.

"Sure, I can stay a while." He said softly. "I don't have all that much going on today anyway. I planned to hang with Forma and Illusio later, but if I'm being honest I don't want to go." Risotto explained. Illusio and Formagio. Doppio didn't mind those two as much as some of Risotto's other friends, though he didn't particularly like a few of them. He never said anything though.

"Cool." He said with a soft sigh. Eventually he looked back to his friend and sighed. "Anything in particular you wanted to do? I mean, I still have my switch if you'd like to play Mario Kart or something." He offered awkwardly. Risotto hummed.

"I've got a better idea." He said with a slight smile.

Kira had remained in his class a little while before he left in an attempt to avoid another awkward interaction with Diavolo which would inevitably happen if they were to run into eachother again, especially in front of people. Eventually, when he thought that the cost would be clear, he left his room with his bag in hand. Thankfully, Diavolo had left. He let out a relieved sigh and walked out, much more relaxed than he had been before. On his way out, he ran into Leone, who had finally gotten his kids into the car.

"Hey! Kira! How was your first day?" He asked with a friendly smile. He was only being kind to Kira, so the blonde saw no harm in responding to him.

"Oh, it was alright, thank you." He smiled back at the other. "A little odd, but it was good." Kira figured he shouldn't mention what happened with Diavolo. Leone suspected something anyhow.

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