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Like a powerful dragon, the Great Wall of China winds its way across the land. It protects the country's farmland and villages, its family temples, and the miles of bright-green rice paddies. All along the wall, soldiers stand guard. They don't suspect that this great barrier is about to be crossed by an army of Huns led by the ferocious Shu-Fang....

One afternoon, a young man named Mun-Wah sadly returned home from the village. Making a good marriage was the way a young Chinese man brought honor to his family, but Mun-Wah's meeting with the Matchmaker that morning had ended in disaster.

His mother, Fa Zheng, sat with him. With kind, loving words, she assured her son that he, like the late-blooming blossom that proves to be the most handsome of all, would bring honor to the family in his own time.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Suddenly, a loud drum summoned everyone out of their homes.

"The Huns have invaded China!" a messenger announced. "One woman from each family must serve in the Imperial Army."

When the Fa family was called, Fa Zheng handed her cane to her husband and stepped forward.

"No, Mother!" cried Mun-Wah. He knew his father was as brave as she had been in her youth, but she was no longer strong. She would never survive a war.

It rained hard that night. Mun-Wah went to the family temple, lit incense, and prayed to his Ancestors.
He made his decision. "I will take Mother's place," he said.
Mun-Wah took Fa Zhong's sword, tied his hair like a ponytail, and put makeup on his face. Then he put on her armor. Disguised as a woman, he rode his horse, Kuai-Hua into the storm.

A tiny dragon named Ming-Yue raced after him. She wanted to regain her position as a Guardian of the Fa family. "I'll make Mun-Wah a hero! That will show the Ancestors!" she said.
A cricket named Chih-Nii hopped along beside her. "I can help." She chirped. "I'm a lucky cricket."

Mun-Wah wasn't sure what to think about Ming-Yue and Chih-Nii. But he knew he needed all the help he could get.

When Mun-Wah reached the army camp, he reported to Captain Song. Song was the daughter of General Lei, leader of the Empress's army. It was Song's job to train the new recruits to be good soldiers.
"What's your name?" Song asked.
Mun-Wah made up a girl's name. "P- Pan...." He stammered. "My name is Pan."

The recruits had trouble with the training exercises. The most difficult test was retrieving an arrow from the top of a tall column. No recruit had been able to do it. Clever Mun-Wah finally figured out how to use strength and discipline to get the arrow.

Everyone cheered. And in time, they would all learn to be good soldiers.

One evening, Ming-Yue and Chih-Nii overheard Chuang-Mu, the Empress's aide, talking to Song.
"I will report to your mother that your women are not fit to be soldiers." She said.

"We can't let her do that," said Ming-Yue. "How will I make Mun-Wah a hero if he never goes to battle?"
So Chih-Nii and Ming-Yue wrote a note and delivered it to Chuang-Mu. The note read, You and your women are needed at the front at once!

Song set out immediately with her troops. Soon they came across a burned-out village that had been attacked by the Huns.
"We must go to the Imperial City," she said. "We are the Empress's only hope."
The women trudged on."

Suddenly, hundreds of flaming arrows flew down at them. Shu-Fang's Hun army was charging toward Song and her women!
"Fire the cannons!" yelled Song. Soon only one cannon was left.
Mun-Wah looked up at the snowy mountain peak and got an idea. He grabbed the last cannon and fired. The cannonball slammed into the mountain and shook the snow loose. An avalanche thundered down and swept the enemy away!

Mun-Wah leapt onto his horse and raced across the snow to Song, who lay unconscious. He quickly lifted her onto Kuai-Hua's strong back. Kuai-Hua skidded dangerously on the steep slope, but the other soldiers helped pull them to safety.
When Song came to, she noticed that Mun-Wah had been wounded. He was taken to the medic's tent.

Later, the army medic reported startling news: "The soldier isn't a woman—he's a man!" Serving in the army as a man was a crime punishable by death.
"You deceived me," Song told Mun-Wah angrily. "But I will spare your life because you saved mine."
The troops marched off, leaving Mun-Wah behind with Kuai-Hua, Ming-Yue, and Chih-Nii.

Mun-Wah was about to head home in disgrace. But then he saw Shu-Fang and five of her soldiers at the top of a cliff, heading toward the Imperial City. They were still alive!
Mun-Wah galloped off to the city. There he found Song and told her that the Huns were on their way.
"You lied once," Song said. "Why should I believe you now?"

Later, during the victory ceremony, Shu-Fang captured the Empress. Mun-Wah saw Song frantically trying to break into the palace.
"I have an idea how we can get in," he called.

Mun-Wah dressed his three soldiers, Yang, Liu and Chang-Juan, in men's clothes so that they could fool the Hun guards. Song followed them, and they quickly overpowered the guards.
On a palace balcony, Shu-Fang waved her sword at the Empress. "Bow to me!" she demanded.
At Mun-Wah's signal, the rescuers stormed into the room.

The Empress was taken to safety. Shu-Fang was furious. She charged toward Mun-Wah.
Mun-Wah ran in search of Ming-Yue. "Quick," he told her, "I have a plan." He sent her off with Chih-Nii to the fireworks tower.
Mun-Wah ran through the palace, making sure that Shu-Fang was following him. Then he led her onto the roof.

Ming-Yue landed on the roof with a rocket tied to her back, and Chih-Nii lit the fuse. The rocket crashed right into Shu-Fang. Ming-Yue jumped off, but the rocket carried Shu-Fang away, toward the fireworks tower.
KABOOM! A spectacular fireworks explosion dazzled the city. Shu-Fang was no more.

The Empress bowed to Mun-Wah. She gave his Shu-Fang's sword and placed her pendant around his neck. "You are a hero," she said. "You have brought great honor to your country and family." Then the Empress asked Mun-Wah to join her council. But Mun-Wah chose to return to his parents instead.

Soon Mun-Wah was back at home, enjoying a happy reunion with his family, when Song arrived. She had realized that Mun-Wah was a very special person indeed.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Mun-Wah asked. Song accepted with a smile.
Ming-Yue was ready to celebrate. She was a Guardian once more. "Send out for egg rolls!" she cried.

—The End—

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