Day 8

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So it's the day after everyone found out and of corse Cas wanted to feel the baby wich made me and Sam laugh.
"Sam can I talk to you" Dean asked
"Sure" Sam said, they walked around the other side of the book shelf
"Sammy are you sure you want kids your a hunter" Dean asked
"Ya Dean I want kids why" Sam asked
"Well they can't be raised into this life" Dean said
"Dean we live in the men of letters' bunker with 3 hunters, 2 angels, a demand, a vamp, a shifter and it's parents both are 1/2 demands with powers which means it will have powers" Sam said a bit pissed
"Sam it's just a kid" Dean countered
"Ya well it's April and my kid and it will be a hunter just like its family" Sam said
"I agree" I said walking around the corner to face them
"April, listen this isn't the life you want for your kids" Dean tried to reason
"Dean don't you get it" Sam asked
"What" Dean replied
"Dean it's already got no choice" I said
"Fine" Dean stormed away
"Don't mind him" Sam whispered to my as he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me
"I love you" I said
"I love you more" Sam replied, he walked me into the living room and we sat down and turned on the T.V. to a show called Castle
"Oh god" I said grabbing my stomach
"Whats wrong" Sam asked
"Mmhh" was all I could say before I ran to the bathroom and threw up
"Here" Sam said holding back my hair after shutting the door
"Uggg" I said before another wave came
"Shhh it's okay" Sam said rubbing my back

"This is awful" I said an hour later when the dizziness finally wore off
"I know April but hay it's only 9 months" Dean replied
"Here" Sam said as he walked in and handed me a bottle of water
"Where's everyone else" I asked
"They all went out shopping for supplies exempt for Cas and Megg I think there in Cas's room watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith" Dean replied
"Cas is watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith" I asked giggling
"Ya under Megg's request of corse" Sam said

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