17 years later (currant time)

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Sam was sitting on his bed
"Im so sorry" he mumbled

"Sam i know your mourning" dean said
"What do you want dean"
"Sammy i took it rough to, but we're all ready to go one this hunt" dean said
"Dean...its not fair" sam said puffy eyed
"I know it shouldn't have happened but after, when we ripped up that demand and angel it was like revenge right"
"Sammy its gunna be okay, Bobby would want is to kick those blood suckers asses" i said as i walked in and sat on his lap
"I miss him" sam said
Bobby had gotten killed 3 weeks ago by a Demand and Angel team of corse naturally we not only killed them but we ripped them to shreds and burned them
"Mom...dad" Envy yelled to us
Envy was 17 now and she has my blue eyes and Sam's brown wavy hair
(Swoosh)"come on"
"Mason you nearly gave me a damn hart attack" i said as i pushed him down the hall
they both have gifts mason can teleport and envy has mind reading and control
"Coming" sam said, we walked down the hall to the main room where the Dream Team as i call us was
Dean, Sam, Cas, Meggs, Kinly, Ash, Mason, Envy and Charlie
Alphie decided to go back to heaven
Mason has my strait blond hair and sam hazily eyes
Envy's hair goes down to her lower back usually into a bun, Mason's is like Cas's.
We all got into our cars
Dean, charlie, Ash, and Kinly in baby*
Envy, sam, Mason and I in our blue 69 Chevelle SS that sam managed to find we call her Shay*
And Cas and Meggs will teleport there in 10 min to a little area right outside of Lebanon where the Vamp nest is.

We pulled into the old parking lot at about 6 in the morning
(Whoosh...whoosh) Cas and megs popped in
"Okay they should be going to sleep now" dean said
"Lets try to get this done quietly" Cas suggested
"The odds are in our favor" Envy said
"Ya 10-7" Mason said
"Remember powers can be necessary so if i see some thing ill let you all know Mason you get the hell out of the way of trouble and Envy you better know whats going to happen" i said
dean opened the trunk an passed out dead mans blood, Corn syrup blood and machetes to every one
"Ill go in I'm silent upon entry" Meggs smiled them disappeared
Click the door opened
We all ran in screaming
"What happened to silent" cas yelled as he was taking swings at a younger vampire with his machete
"Its no(whoosh)fun with or a fight" Meggs said as she appeared behind the tall females back and stabbed her with corn syrup blood
(She screamed then turned into pretty much ash)
"Kinly pass" ash yelled, they usually fight side by side
"Here" Kinly threw him a needle with blood in it
"Oh brother where have you gone so wrong" the tall male smiled and a female plunged a blade into kinly's stomach
(Ahhh) she screamed
"Kinly no" mason and ash yelled
Ash bit the female's neck off and mason killed the male
"Ill take her home and heal her" cas said
"Take me too" Charlie said, fighting sometimes scares her
"April left" sam yelled as he threw a needle i took it and pushed it into a vampire who was now next to me's head then sam cut it off
(--I saw Envy with a vampire holding a blade to her neck)
"No..." i turned and it was happening
she was looking into the tall redheaded females eyes "drop the blade" she looked strait ahead and dropped it
"Get on your knees" she ordered
"Uncle D" she called as dean sliced threw the vampires neck and flop...flop they separated
Ash sliced the head off of a vamp
And Envy froze the last while cutting off her head

When we got back kinly was in rough shape and Ash wouldn't leave her, they healed her but she lost so much blood.
Then her eyes opened and she smiled
We all where there and we were happy

This is to all the monsters
We will find you and you will be destroyed (most likely brutally) that is a promise

Sam-the nerdy 1/2 demand
Dean-the alcoholic
Charlie-the brain
Ash-the vampire
Kinly-the shape shifter
Cas-the angel
Meggs-the demand
April-the epic 1/2 demand
Envy-the mind controlling 1/2 demand
Mason-the teleporting 1/2 demand
So watch your back

-Love The Dream Team

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