Ash's point of veiw

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"So...what are we gunna do to get lightning bolts" kinly asked
"Well to be fair I'm sure Alphie could get some" bobby said
"Agreed it may take a while but i will try" (whoosh)
"So we have 3 bodies that have huge holes going through their chest with color on the inside" Joyce recapped
"Never trusting rainbows again" i said
"Agreed" kinly said, we where holding hands
"Well Alfie's gone I'm gonna fix us up some grub" bobby said as he walked into the kitchen
"So my 3rd case I'm working with a previous rogue shape shifter, a vampire, an angel, a nerd and a drunk" Joyce recapped
"Where is garth" i asked
"Still on a beer run" Kinly replied
"Wa suuuup" Garth grand entranced through the door
"What took ya so long ya idget" bobby asked
"Well on the way to the store I got sidetracked by a greek gods store" Garth said as he pulled in a bag at least 3 feet long
"What is it" Kinly walked forward excitedly
"Well I've got a summoning spell" he smiled a bit to widely
"Okay then how do we use it" i asked stepping forward, why cant that asshole keep his eyes off of my girl
"Well..." he got into a long explanation

"Okay so we need lambs blood water sun and the other basic stuff" Kinly recapped
"Ya basically" Garth replied before he took a bit of mushroom pasta Bobby made
"Great" i said as i swooped under Kinly so she was sitting in my lap, i kissed her neck
"Watch it" Joyce warned
"Hay you watch it" bobby snapped when fangs slid out
"Put them away baby...please" Kinly asked
(Click) "I love you baby" i whispered she turned and kissed me
(Whoosh)"Sorry it took so long but its hard to find these" Alphie said holding up a archer's sack
"Cool" Joyce and Kinly said at the same time
"Lets get-" Joyce tried to say
"Give us 30 minuets" Alphie said
"Why" she asked
"Well for one I need to eat too" i said
"Fine make it fast"
"Be safe" kin kissed me
"I always am" i smiled
"Okay so AB-" i informed, that's what holds me over longest
"Okay tab 37E" he said, i walked over to the fridge and looked for the box with the tab labeled 37E
"Got it" Alphie said from the other fridge
"Lets go" i said
"Where" he asked "back"
"No alley on Rummington" i said, I'm not comfortable with Kinly seeing me hungry
"Okay" (whoosh...whoosh)
"Give" i said as i turned around, my fangs flipped out and my eyes reddened
"Here" i ripped it open and drank it fast
(Girl brown hair green eyes tan skin) i hate being able to tell who I'm drinking, it makes it so much weirder

"Ready" Alphie asked as i dropped the empty bag
"Lets go kill that rainbow bitch" i said

"No, no leftish" bobby said
"Okay" garth replied fixing the trap
"Ready boys" Joyce looked up
"Ya lets go" i said
Kinly passed alphie the sack and he took out a bolt
"A me ergo Iris vocare iris dea" bobby said he's the best latin speaker
"Hello boy-" she said looking up "wait you aren't the Winchesters" (*)
"No but were just as good" i said
"Your killing, why" garth asked, Kinly was behind me
"Why not" she laughed
"Really rainbows" Joyce asked
"Well i am the rainbow goddess you puella sordis"
"I don't even want to know" she said
"Probably not" bobby replied
"Alphie" i said
Alphie threw the bolt at iris and it went threw her chest to her back
"Finally..." she croaked
"That was easy" Kinly said
"Ya" Joyce said as she tripped and garth caught her
"Hi" he said inches from her
"Thanks" she whispered
"Garth you coming" i asked
"No im gunna stay and help Joyce with some cases"
"Okay" Joyce and i replied
We where finally back to the bunker where the 2 woman i love are, the reason i can never stop loving April no matter how much i love Kinly is because

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