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"Minho, where are you? I know that you took my sandwich!" He called out but earned no response. He groaned as he got all of the ingredients back out of the fridge to make himself another sandwich.

Minho on the other hand, was hiding in his usual spot. The basement. He couldn't help himself from stealing Jisung's sandwich. He was a demon, after all—a gluttonous one.

He tried to stay away from all of Jisung's delicious food, but he just couldn't hold himself back. As long as he only took the food and stayed away from the human, he figured that everything would still be fine.

A couple of weeks went by and Jisung went back to making two servings of whatever he had for lunch and dinner, just like the old times. Today, Minho waited for the human to go back to his room so that he could take the pancakes that he left for him on the table.

When Jisung finally went back into his room, Minho quietly approached the dinner table. As he went to pick up one pancake, he noticed a small box right beside it which had his name written on it.

He looked around suspiciously, grabbed the box, devoured the remaining pancakes on the plate, and then disappeared.

He stood in the basement with one hand on his hip and the other, examining the box that he had just picked up. He slowly shook it and he heard rattling coming from within. Upon opening it, he found a cellphone right inside.

He held it gently and studied it. He pressed the button on the front and the screen lit up with a picture of a black cat and the current time. He pressed the button again and the screen changed.

He instantly saw something he recognized, and it was the so-called "Snapchat".  His mouth opened in a silent scream of excitement. He clicked it and watched as the little ghost popped up before changing to a live image of his face.

He did as Jisung showed him before and let the screen lock onto his face, then he began making lots of silly faces. He was having so much fun that he almost missed the notification that popped up on his screen. It said that he had received a snap from Jisung. 

He clicked the notification and an image of Jisung with cute freckles and a sad face appeared on his screen with a message that read, "Are you alive?"

He sighed. Why was the human so damn cute? He clicked twice where it said "double tap to respond." He chose the funniest filter he could find, took a selfie of himself and sent it. He wasn't sure how to put words on his picture yet. That was something he'd have to explore.

Almost immediately, he received another message from Jisung. This time, it was a video.

"Hi idiot. Dinner will be ready at six and if you'd like to join me, hold down the button on your picture to make a video. Bye." Jisung waved at him sadly and the video ended.

In another part of the house, tucked away at his computer desk, Jisung received a snap from Minho.

"Jisung, you make really good food, so I will be there. Thanks for giving me this phone. By the way, I will try to kill you later. Goodbye." He chuckled at Minho's video. He was probably very proud of that one.

To be continued...

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