Chapter One: Double dates and lonely streets

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Glasses clinked against each other. "To us!" Mint Choco declared. "To us!" The other three repeated in unison. After the cheers, the four cookies took a drink out of their classes. One of those cookies as previously mentioned was Mint Choco, the other three consisted of Herb, Vampire, and Sparkling . Sparkling was the one who owned this grand bar. He was also the one who provided the drinks to them. Which Vampire was particularly thankful for.

Vampire could be best described as a wine aunt. They had somewhat of a drinking problem. They loved having a glass of grape juice almost all the time. They always had a wine glass of it with them almost everywhere they went. They also were quite lazy. They were very lazy.

"HHHHHHHhhhhhhh That's too much work...." Vampire groaned out lazily. "Vampire, all you have to do is grab that napkin..." Sparkling sighed. He reached over to the napkins for Vampire and grabbed onto some. He handed said napkins over to Herb who had just spilled his drink. "Ah thank you, love!-" Herb replied, though he had soon realized his crucial error. Sparkling realized the error too, he looked at his two other friends who were in shock. Both of the looks on their faces just said it all. "LOVE?! When was this??????" Mint Choco exclaimed in utter shock. Herb was blushing a bright red, it dusted across his cheeks and soon enough it spread all over his face. Vampire slightly peeked with interest at this slightly awkward situation.

"Well- we were going to tell you a little bit later...but since it seems the cat is finally out of the bag...Herb and I started dating each other about two weeks ago!" Sparkling announced very awkwardly. He waved his hands in the air, giving his other two friends jazz hands. The vampire and violinist were too stunned to speak. Then there arrived the quiet. The room was tense and the air was thick. Herb and Sparkling were both incredibly nervous about this. They both knew that this was bound to change their friend group's dynamic. Herb in particular was sweating up a storm. It was pretty easy to tell when he was nervous. His body would freeze up, then heat up, and sweat. His facial expression made it obvious too, it was always wide-eyed, and with him constantly biting his lip to the point where it would cut, and then bleed.

After some heavy silence with even some light cricket chirps in the background, Mint Choco finally spoke up. "OHHHH MY GOODNESS!!!" he exclaimed. Herb jumped and Sparkling winced. They both prepared themselves for the worst. Sparkling held onto Herb's hand squeezing it tightly while awaiting whatever else Mint Choco had to say. Vampire noticed their nervousness and prepared themselves too. They wanted to be supportive of their friends. It didn't matter to Vampire if they were dating or not, as long as they were happy and healthy together, they were fine with it. Mint Choco after the long pause finally completed his sentence. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?! Congrats you two!!!" Mint Choco said. Herb and Sparkling popped open their eyes. They were both very relieved at those words and especially the support that came from just those words alone

"Thank you don't know how much that means to us..." Herb said with a sigh of relief.

Sparkling also nodded as well. He went over to hold onto his boyfriend. "Yeah..we were admittedly concerned that you guys would get upset over the sudden change..." he mentioned. He was feeling sheepish about it now the more he started to think about it. He understood their concerns and why they had them, but on the other hand these were their friends they were talking about, they were bound to be supportive no matter what. That's just what friends do especially with how tightknit they were together.

Mint Choco simply waved a hand. "Ah, it's nothing! I'm just happy for you guys! Besides, do you know what this means now?" Mint Choco asked.

Herb and Sparkling gave each other a confused look. Sparkling raised a brow "No, sorry I don't quite get what you mean..." he said.

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