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TW Eating disorder, and self harming. 18+

Kyle is one of the class artist, he is really good at drawing realism and flowers.

Kyle carries a sketchbook everywhere.

Kyle, same with a sketchbook still wears his green hat everywhere.

Kyle enjoys spending nights alone online.

Kyle goes on night walks.

Kyle likes tea.

Kyle is very insecure about how other view him. (Being voted ugliest boy affected him even if it wasn't the truth)

Kyle goes many days without eating meals and only drinks liquid.

Kyle has never gone to a party.

Kyle has the same pjs from when he was a kid.

Kyle bites his hands and nails when he is stressed or mad at himslef.

Kyle's belongings are all painted on.

Kyle is in advanced classes. Without most of his friends.

Kyle wears lots of sweaters.

Kyle wears off brand Van's.

Kyle has a nose piercing that he got done at a sleepover.

Kyle uses eyeliner.

Kyle has great handwriting.

Kyle is very scared of hights.

Kyle has sleepovers with every boy in south park besides cartman.

Kyle has a good relationship with almost everyone.

Kyle is a try hard and often wears himself out.

Kyle likes soft colors.

Kyle is very insecure about being Jewish.

Kyle paints his nails black.

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