"Scream until there's nothing left
So sick of playing, I don't want to anymore.."
Draco Malfoy x Harry James Potter X Sabrina Mil'dred Bloodmoon Matthews Lupin
Settings: year 2010, Hogwarts, 5th year
(AN: HEY GUYSSS!! this is my 1 fan kfuction so plzzz be nice!! :( I'm only 11 and new to wattpad TANK YOU FOR DECDING TO REED MY STORY xoxo<333 -Sabrina Lupin)
MILLY AKA SABRAS POV: It's the first day of school I'm transfer ring from beuwxvatons academy I know it's weird for a 5th year to transfor XD in but you know I'm different and my dark past has caused this trunfer that is very secret.
I'm 15 i have pale whyte sken and I havelong dark hair with green streaks in it I'm 5'4 every1 iz always so much taller than me :( I have dark brown eyes that turn green or blue when I'm mad or using my powers I have fire and I'm ce powers so you can say I'm a lil hot and cold;) (XD). N e ways my muther has ice pwers (ya know cuz she's a wich) and my dad has flame powers cuz he a vumtire they are both also emo they love to listen to mcr, and, get scared, and paramour. my momey has red streaks in her hair that reach down to her back, I used to have siblings but I told my momey and daad I didn't like then so now they are gone so I'm an oney children!!!!!!!!XD <3. My my dad has white paper skin lik3 Edward frum Twilight.
I walk thru the coradors with my hair swinging in the wind as I walk past every1. while I was listening to Helena by MCR. (Gerard way is so hot n secsy I want to do IT with him ;;;;) ) I was wearing a poofy black and pruple skirt..stripped leggings,big black converse, a studied black and wite bely, and my sinner hat
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They all starred at me so I flipped them off cuz I FUCKIN HATE THEM PREPS!!!! One dude catcawled me so I threw Furnunculos at him and EVERY1 LAUGHED AT HIM!!!XD then he cryed nd swarred at me calling me a vampure( witch I am!) so fuck you spencer :p I'm a veggitarian vemtire I only eat pig bloood cause they are stinky and deserve to dye. i am a bloodohilic( i luvvv blood 🖤)kinda like my dad but he's an alcoholic XD. I BURSTED INTO THE GREAT HALL AN EVERONE. STARRED AT ME AND A COUPLE DUDE BLUDSHED. Tons of peple whspurred about how hot I am "who is that beauteful lady.. a boy with black har and big glasses sayed"
"You must b the new student" a old man with a long beard said. "I am dumbeldore, I am the principle of Hogwards.
" I'm milly I'm here to get sore red so move old man" I pushed him out of the way and sat on the stol some old hag put the hat on me I suddenly got nervouse this would determine my future at hogwarts I hope I get in a gud house fuck race claw spencer is from race claw . The hat starts ti talk " you are a bootiful your girl lady so smart and brave and cunning and hot I will put you in two houses cause it's a hard decision SLYTHERIN AND GRIFINDOOOR"