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"Unitie you finally decided to tell the boys about the past?" Halona asked me as she held a cup of coffee in her hands, she had her brown hair in braids laying across her shoulders, her brown eyes look at me tired, and she wore her normal brown dress that came to her knees.

"Of course," I nod my head "after all I did promise them to tell them when they got older. Besides people keeping talking it about after seven years. There are stories of me for Pete sake!" I ran my fingers through my hair as I stare at her. She chuckles as she took a sip of her coffee. "They should hear it from their parents." Halona nods as she stares at me. It has been days since I told my sons about the past and how everything began, they felt horrible for all the things that I went through. It was a life lesson that I had to learn on my own.

"What did they think about Voldemort and Adrian?" Halona whispers to me as my husband was outside training them to become knights and to someday take our places.

"They don't like Voldemort that's for sure" we both chuckled as I shook my head "with Adrian they only know that it's just the beginning." I let out a heavy sigh as I looked out the back door to see how their training was coming. Today Enrique thought it would be best that they learn how to use their surroundings without sight even he didn't know how to do that until I thought him. When I saw him training them incorrectly, I got up and walked out the door. Halona grabs her cup and follows me out the door.

"Uh oh." Halona giggles as she takes a sit on the porch.

"Babe you are training them wrong first off and second step back." I waved my hand to him as he moves out of my way and I stood before them. "Now boys whatever dad taught you throw out the window." They stare at me and nod. Enrique huffed as he joins Halona's side. "I'm going to teach you how I learned to use my surroundings." They took off their blindfolds to stare at me.

"What was he doing wrong?" Gio asked he has long brown hair with one blue strip on his right side, blue eyes like mine that stared at me confused, tan skin, medium body built, and he wore gym shorts with a gray tank top. We named our first son after Enrique's teacher one that taught him the value of life and how to face his fears.

"Not teaching you the proper technique, what he forgot in his lessons when I taught him" I glanced over to him and he rubs his head knowing what he did wrong. Halona sat there watching us with a smirk on her face. "Now I want you to close your eyes and focus on your senses. Use what you were given your hearing, smell, and taste you will not be touching anything until you find where I am located. I might make it a challenge after you find me first while we do this, I will tell you the rest of our story." I watched my boys cheer a little before closing their eyes they took in deep breaths meditating until they gained control of their movement with care. "Okay let's begin." I smirked as I watched them follow me without opening their eyes.


Glad to see that everyone has returned, for those that don't know my name is Unitie Ink. Living life to the fullest saving lives, coming against challenges, and learning how to deal with each one every day. We last left off with my fellow contenders in the Knights challenge and I was discussing with Zaraya and Ivan about the things I have faced. They were amazed by what I had been through and didn't know how I dealt with it. The only thing that kept me going where my friends and family cheering me on. I also had some help from Pavati, Sage, and Zephirine along with those tools Halona gave me. I rarely used them and when I did it was to get me through the frosty mountain and the lava. Let's have a review before we continue.


"I want to find the most beautiful place here." I whispered that made Sage nod she motions for me to follow her and I do. While I carried Katya, I walked into an opening surrounded by trees and I glance up to see the sun glowing everywhere and, in the center, I see a clearing same shape and size as her. Sage hovers over the space and opens it to where I could see dirt, roots, and insects in this moment I knew that she would be safe and taken with care. I rest her into her place positioning her body in peaceful sleep I turned around to grab flowers bundled them together and tied them with bendable wood from a nearby tree. When I came back, I see her smiling peacefully and I knew that I had made the correct choice. "Uvidimsya v zarobnoy zhizni (see you in the afterlife)." I told her as I placed the flowers in her hands and took a step back. Behind me a door slams opens that catch our attention it was dark when we looked into it. "Okay I guess it's time to move on to the next challenge." Sage nods as I walked through the door and without realizing I fell that send shivers down my spine and surprised me. I spread my wings out and looked around seeing nothing but darkness all around. "Man, you know how to make things challenging!" I shouted as I shook my head and took out the compass. "Better see if anyone is near me..." I trailed off as I opened the sleeve for the compass, I hear a door slam open and I glance over to see Ivan and Zar walk through the door then fall. I laughed at them to hear them shout at me.

"Screw you Unitie!" Zaraya yells that made Ivan laugh.

"Dude she has wings, what did you expect?" Ivan responds as their voices fade.

"Zaraya, Ivan, and Unitie" Tioannda's voice broke the silence "you are the only ones to arrive this far and you still have two more challenges ahead. We have caught aa lot of people cheating Peter, Nima, and Anahita I won't tell any details. Anyway, I need you three to wait for everyone else, we need to see you all go through this one together and if anyone can pass you shall be fine. Sit tight I have Gabbie sending you all food as we speak." Behind us we hear a swoosh and pink filled the empty place we were in. When we turned, we see Dean walk through she is carrying a basket of goodies.

"Dean" I smile at her as she returns a weak smile, I turned my head to look at Zaraya he was trying to meet her eyes however she looked down in embarrassment. I look back to her to see her cheeks turning pink. "What's going on?" I whispered to her.

"I will tell you later I promise" Dean's voice was quiet yet soft "for now I was asked to bring food, I'm rooting for you Auntie." Her eyes sparkled. Once she left Ivan, Zaraya, and I began chatting about my trials so far they were amazed by what I had accomplished when I finished everything that I had done I was wanting to know what they had come across in their trails.

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