failure to compromise

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"What the hell are you doing?" Stefan said angrily into the phone as Evelyn sat, using her hearing to listen to both ends of the conversation.

"Saving the day, I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put."

"She's already gone, Damon"


"Klaus already came, she went with him. She's gone," Stefan turned to look at his sister who had a worried expression on her face.

"I'll take care of it," Was all Evelyn heard before Damon hung up. Stefan lowered the phone, turning to Evelyn and Alaric who were both sitting on the couches.

"I'm going."

"Evelyn, what?" Stefan said as Evelyn stood up, grabbing her jacket.

"I'm going to Klaus. Maybe I can reason with him or something. Just get him to postpone."

"Damon already tried that."

"Yeah well, for some reason Klaus is obsessed with me so maybe I can try to talk him out of it," She said, heading for the door. "I have to try."

Stefan nodded as she opened the door and sped out, soon arriving at Alaric's apartment. She opens the doors with her powers and speeds inside.

"I wasn't aware you'd been invited in, love," Klaus said, not turning from the computer he was looking at.

"I think you should postpone," She said and you could practically feel the smirk on Klaus' face.

"I thought I already had this conversation with your brother," He said, turning to face her.

"That was before I rescued your wolf and vampire and killed your witch," She said and Klaus tilted his head at her.

"Excuse me?" He said. He wasn't angry, he seemed almost amused.

"You can kill me if you want, I don't care. It was all me. Only me," She said and Klaus chuckled.

"Katerina, give us a moment," He said and Katherine turned to leave, sharing a glance with Evelyn before doing so. Once she was gone, Klaus turned back to Evelyn. "You know, given our history, I should kill you. I should at least want to. But I don't."

"Why? You in love with me or something?" She said and Klaus just laughed, circling her.

"No, while you are exquisite, I don't need my brother's leftovers. The truth is, I'm fascinated by you, Evelyn. I've heard about what you are. Vampire and witch, how you can siphon magic from supernaturals. I want to know how you tick," He said, getting so close to her she could feel his breath on her neck.

"Well that makes two of us," She said and he moved to look her in the eyes.

"What does that mean?" He said, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear and she shook her head.

"It means, I don't know how to use my magic, either. It takes a lot to," She paused, feeling the magic she siphoned well up in her. Her anger starting to control her magic. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "It takes a lot to control it."

"Are you having trouble now?" He said, his gaze not moving from her eyes. He stood so close their noses almost touched.

"A little. I took your witch's magic before I killed him. It's just more than I'm used to," Klaus chuckled, taking a step back.

"Is that what you use this for?" He says, holding up her bracelet. She widens her eyes, hand drifting to her pocket where the bracelet was. He must've taken it out.

"You see, Evelyn. I knew someone was going to try and save Elena. Now I personally had my money on your older brother, the impulsive one, Damon, is it?" He said, setting her bracelet down onto the table next to the computer and turning back to her. "I will say I was a bit surprised to see you here."

"I have that effect on people," Klaus chuckled at her retort and continued on his tangent.

"I've been on this earth for many years, do you know what the most valuable piece of information I learned was?" He asked and Evelyn just shrugged. "Always have a backup plan."

Evelyn's eyes widen as he moved away from the computer, showing Jules, the werewolf friend of Tyler's being held somewhere. She was already mid-transformation.

"I have a backup wolf, backup witch-"

"Backup vampire." Realization suddenly hit Evelyn as she looked at Klaus with wide eyes. He wore a devilish grin as he steps closer to her.

"I've got that covered too," He says and suddenly everything goes dark.


Evelyn wakes up to Katherine slapping her face.

"Evelyn. Hey, Evelyn come on," She says, putting some blood from a blood bag into her mouth. Evelyn stirs, groaning as she begins to wake up.

"What the hell happened?"

"He's gone, he went to do the ritual, I'm sorry I had to. He would've known I was on vervain if I didn't do it," Katherine says and Evelyn opens her eyes, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do what?" Evelyn says, sitting up slowly and taking the blood bag from Katherine and downing the rest of it.

"Klaus. He made me call her to lure her out. He needed another vampire."

"Who did you call?" Katherine just sighs, not answering her. Evelyn tilts her head and grabs onto Katherine's arm. "Katherine, who did you call?"

"Jenna. He made me call Jenna."

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