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Y/N felt enormously tired. A headache overcame their head, and they gradually opened their eyes, exposing them to the excruciating sunlight peeking through the curtains.

They sat up in a grand, king sized bed, with the silkiest sheets they had ever felt. As they sat up, they felt the mattress move slightly. They turned to their left, and saw another figure under the bed sheets. Reality has set in, and memories had flooded into Y/N's head.

They had slept together. Of course they had. Arthur Birling was such a sweetheart, so caring and gentle. Y/N had immediately fallen for him.

After their encounter, Arthur had led them to his spare penthouse in a nearby town. They had spent the night together, alone, drinking port and smoking cigars. Living the high life. One thing led to another, and...

It was magical. Blurred, but magical. Y/N felt warm, loved. They got up, Mr Birling still lay asleep, and decided to make some breakfast.

Tea and crumpets, Y/N thought, triumphantly. I need to make it up to him. He's done all of this for me, I need to do something in return.

Y/N grabbed some crumpets and put them in the toaster. They then filled up the kettle and put it on. Suddenly, to their surprise, they heard a knock at the door.

They quickly rushed, and peeked through the door's peep hole to see an olden, wrinkly woman, wearing quite a lot of Jewellery.

Y/N turned around to check the grandfather clock - 9:34 AM

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Y/N turned around to check the grandfather clock - 9:34 AM. What could anyone want at this time?

They turned the door knob and opened the door, quietly. The old woman burst through, entering the room. Y/N quickly shut the door and turned to face her.

'Who are you?!' they exclaimed.
The old woman turned around with a face like stone, evidently mad.

'Where is he?' She exclaimed, 'I need to talk.'

She looked Y/N up and down, before bursting into every room in the penthouse. Eventually, she found her way to the bedroom, where Mr Birling eventually got up.

When Y/N walked into the room, they saw Mr Birling's expression. He was scared beyond belief, his face petrified as he looked up at the older woman, listening to her rant.

'You SCUM! You filthy little whore. I knew I never should have believed you! THIS is where you've been this whole time?'

'Whoa, who are you?' Y/N asked again, staring into the woman's cold eyes.

'I am Sybil. Sybil BIRLING. MRS Birling, to you,' she boomed.

Y/N finally understood. They were a side piece. A play-thing.

'Y/N... this is my wife. Please, go into the living room until this is over,' Mr Birling muttered, sounding defeated.

Y/N slowly walked into the other room, still overhearing the arguing happening. After a few minutes, it seemed to have calmed down.

Suddenly, a loud scream was heard from the bedroom. It sounded like grown man's voice...

Sybil Birling came running out of the room, blood on her hands, and burst out of the front door.


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