ignorance is bliss

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Hi! I have two quick announcements to make. First off, I'm changing my update schedule. I'm sticking to my original plan for the most part (writing an entire story at once then posting the whole thing) but if I come to a rough spot in my life and need to slow down, I'll just post one/a few chapters at a time. Thanks to all the people who helped me come to a decision <3

Second off, I made a new book! It's called Red Ink: Bonus Content- Obvious title is obvious. It's basically just a bunch of stuff I could've posted here but decided not to because this book is getting way too long. Please consider checking it out! ...But only after reading the rest of this because there are lots of spoilers in that book oops

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You laid on Three's bed, entirely motionless besides your rising and falling chest. Your nerves were too burnt out to do anything else. Exhaustion weighed your body down as you rapidly blink, trying to make some sort of moisture return to your dry eyes. Tears stained the pillow beneath you.

It seemed like it had been hours. Could it have really been that long? Logic would say otherwise, but keeping track of time was the last thing on your mind.

No, all you could think about were the screams.

The struggling.

The unbearable silence afterward.

Your only protection from it was this bedroom. It was your safe haven. You could hide underneath the sheets and block it out like a coward.

A coward...

...You wanted to help that woman. You really, truly did. And if somebody were to ask you, you'd swear you tried your best, but... It just wasn't good enough. You'd never be good enough in this state. You were useless. You couldn't even-

The bedroom door swung open. You jolted out of bed, a random bout of energy rushing through your veins. Meanwhile, it looked all of the energy had been wrung out of Three. He was slouching and his arm hung loosely at his side, the other resting on the doorknob. He gazed at it with the slightest bit of curiosity.

"Huh. I thought I heard you lock this door."

"...I did," You sadly mumbled. It was only then that his eyes lightened with remorse. Too little, too late.

The uncomfy silence made him awkwardly cough into his elbow and reveal a photo from his pocket. It was the Octiling sitting on the porch. (Yes, that was you, but it sure didn't seem like it.)

You shook your head. "I've already seen that. You showed it to me before you left this morning."

"Uh, yeah, I know." Three stumbled over his words. "I just- I just saw it when I was cooling down from... You know."

You looked away and stared at a random corner, too upset to face him.

"I guess it got me thinking back to before all the bullshit happened. Before we got this way and started having shitty days like this."

This was so much more than a shitty day. Your jaw clenched with that thought in mind, but you still refused to look back.

"Listen to me. There's a reason why all that happened today." He sighed, choosing to cut to the chase. "The neighbor was complaining about hearing music coming from the house. She said she heard Calamari Inkantation."

Oh. Now you really couldn't look at him. Anything you could've said or done wouldn't help.

"And- And I didn't want to believe it. I barely could, because how would you remember to listen to it every day? If you didn't remember, what reminded you to?"

Red Ink (Yandere Splatoon/Coroika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now