killing every piece they left behind

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Sunlight would never grace Inkopolis Square again. 

This was something that you had accepted to be true. Or so you thought. Because here you were, leaning outside the apartment window and staring at the barrier that still hadn't faded away.

Disappointment was plain on your face. Every night was defined by idealistic, foolish dreams, where you'd wake up and be greeted by a beautiful sunrise rather than the now dark area of Inkopolis Square. You knew better than to hope. But you still did. You checked the window every morning only to be let down. 

Huffing and shaking your head, you went back inside. You crossed off another day on the calendar. It had been roughly four months since that day. Thinking about it for too long made you depressed, so you walked away in search of a distraction. 

The apartment that you could now casually walk through didn't always feel so comfortable. It still wasn't exactly home, since you were trapped behind the barrier, but you used to feel much worse knowing that it used to belong to somebody else. Traces of this stranger still existed within the halls and you were careful not to disturb them. You still told yourself that you'd get to leave one day and that person would get to return. It was a lie. But it was a lie that kept you sane. 

In spite of your rumbling stomach, you didn't bother checking the kitchen. You didn't have much of an appetite anymore, but even if you did, you knew the fridge would be empty. Food was hard to come by in the Square. A lot of things were hard to come by, actually. 

Your resources would only be restocked after one of the Shadows remembered to do so. They were the only ones who could go through the barrier, so you were reliant on them. That was intentional on their part, you were sure. 

You sat down at the desk in the bedroom, taking out a piece of paper from one of the drawers. Countless crumpled papers littered the desk's surface and the carpet area around it. There wasn't anymore room left inside the trash can for these rejects. 

Your eyes narrowed down on the paper in focus. You carefully folded it, going over every step you could remember. You bit your tongue everytime you made a mistake and quickly corrected it. It was trial and effort, but thanks to learning from your previous failures, you were able to pull it off this time. You placed the finished product back on the desk. 

There. An origami crane. Just like Bobble Hat used to make. 

You couldn't help but smile when you imagined how proud she would be right now. 


You jumped and spun around in your seat. Shadow Bobble stood there, laughing and poking your shoulder. "Haha! You're such a pussy! I can't believe that actually scared you!"

Your smile morphed into a deep frown as her arms snaked around your body. She rested her chin on the top of your head. Luckily, static electricity didn't seem to be a problem today. The Shadows never meant to shock you (only the barrier did that) but sometimes it happened when they lost control of their emotions.

Which was exceptionally common with Shadow Bobble Hat. She let her feelings have free reign. No matter who was in the path of her destruction. 

That's made you so tense, muscles stiff and gripping onto the edge of your seat. You were bracing yourself for the inevitable. 

"So hey, I finally got around to refilling your fridge! You'd be starving to death right now if it weren't for me, so you'd best be grateful!"

"I am." 

You weren't. It was crystal clear in your monotonous voice. Her weight suddenly doubled down on you. You couldn't see her face, but with the way her chin was digging into your scalp, you were sweating in anticipation. 

Red Ink (Yandere Splatoon/Coroika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now