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The Boy Who Never Smiled (2p!Canada x Reader)

You sighed, sitting in your new assigned seat, listening to your first period class’s teacher drone on. The class was home economics and the teacher was reviewing for you what had been taught earlier that day. You had just been admitted to one of the most dangerous, most violent schools in the entire world; Hetalia World Academy. It was a boarding school. Your mother hated your very existence, so she sent you there to get rid of you until you could move out for college. To be honest, it was your pleasure to get away from her, so the feeling was mutual. When you had first gotten to Hetalia World Academy, you thought things were going to be great. Some of the students that were already enrolled there smiled at you. Although some of them fought a lot amongst themselves, they seemed like really nice people. The campus itself was gorgeous. Majestic. Surreal. It turned out that you were right. It was wayyyy too good to be true. Your mother really did hate you.

When she signed your registration forms, she didn’t forget to add in your non-existent criminal record, stating that you had a very long history of violence. You had read the reports. You had (h/l), (h/c), silky hair and (e/c) sparkling eyes. You wondered, not for the first time, how people could look at your innocent face and think that you were capable of killing a dozen people. 

It turned out that there were two sides to this seemingly wonderful educational prison your mother had shipped you off to. There was the ‘normal’ side, and then there was the ‘dangerous’ side. The students generally referred to the sides as ‘1p’ and ‘2p’. All the normal, sophisticated (Pffft. Sophisticated. Hetalia is anything but that.), non-violent students were assigned to the 1p side. All of the students that were presumed to be delinquents were submitted to the 2p side. The 2p campus felt like a WWII concentration camp. People were either glaring at each other from a distance or beating each other senseless with sadistic grins on their faces. You hadn’t been scared though. Living with your own family was ten times worse. You cringed, though, as you remembered when you had first walked into your homeroom class. Although violence never bothered you much, you were always shy when you saw strangers. After the initial impact, though, you had opened up quickly.


You stood in the dark hallway, reading your student schedule. You stared up at the dark, menacing door in front of you. This was definitely not what you had expected upon first setting sights on the new school. You gripped the door handle to your homeroom class. You took a deep breath and opened the door. The room was dead silent. Every single pair of eyes was staring right at you. You could practically feel the burn. The teacher, a rather tough-looking man named Mr. Smith, looked up at you with recognition and expectancy. He grabbed a folder off of his desk and got up. He started walking towards you and gestured for you to meet you halfway, which you quickly did. You were shaking.

“Alright everybody. This is (F/n) (L/n). She’s a new student. I won’t ask you to make her feel welcome, or be nice to her. We all know that’s not going to happen.” With that, a couple of students gave small chuckles and smirks in your direction. After that died down, Mr. Smith continued, starting to read your ‘criminal record’ seeing as how that was a regulation on this side of Hetalia World Academy. 

“…Twelve counts of 1st degree murder, seven attempted thefts, twenty-one counted assault charges, nine domestic violence accounts, and six 3rd degree murders… That… That’s all.” He finished up with a confused glance in your direction. You were bored now, but the class wasn’t. Some were gaping, some gave you confused expressions, and some started to mumble things about you. You could care less. Mr. Smith added the folder to a file cabinet in his desk and addressed you.

“(Y/n), you can take a seat between Max and Allen. Don’t worry. They don’t bite. Hard.” He said, giving a slight chuckle. You, on the other hand, were far from laughing. You looked at the two boys you were assigned to sit next to. Allen had auburn colored hair, red eyes, and a brown bomber jacket. He was grinning at you over dark sunglasses, revealing a missing tooth. As far as you could tell, he was a smug, arrogant little brat. You started making your way to your seat with an uncomfortable smile. Once you had sat down, you had eyed the other boy, Max. He was a completely different story.

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