Part 4

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the next day was quiet cheong-san and i hadnt spoken a word to each other.

i quickly got up and walked to the window opening it and peeking out. the whole soccer yard was ful of zombies

"how are we going to get out of here " i asked aloud

cheong-san shrugged from beside me

"i dont know theres too many zombies out there to just make a run for it" i agreed the rest of the day we sat around planning cheong-san and i were sat at the desk playing tic-tac-toe when the overhead speaker started to ring 

"whos gonna do it ?" 

the both of us snapped our heads towards the speaker

"ive never done it" another voice said

"somebody do it, anyone"

"mic testing 1 2  1 2 , cheong-san are you there ?"

cheong-san smiled and walked closer to the speaker i stayed at the table maybe they all think im dead i thought 

"we-" a voice had said but was quickly cut off

"what are you doing? check. cheong-san do you hear us? its su-hyeok we'll come to you so stay put got it?"

cheong san walked even closer to the speaker 

"dont come moron. you cant come" he exclaimed

"i know what youll say" su-hyeok said "but we cant hear you from here"

"dont come" he said again

"so dont go anywhere.wait for us" su-hyeok stated "you really cant go anywhere   we'll come now"

"lets leave now the smell of poop makes me wanna barf"someone added 

"well its yours "someone shot back

cheong -san shook his head 

"these punks" he muttered

cheong-san walked to the door and quickly looked at ready to open it

"cheong-san" a voice said i stood up instantly recognizing it to be onjos voice

cheong san turned around and faced the speaker

"please stay still, i know you never listen to me but listen this time"

cheong-san looked down

there was silence for a few minutes and onjos voice came through again

"camryn i hope your safe, i shouldve stayed with you in the cafe i regret leaving you i love you and we'll look for you too"

the miccut off and i sat down an audio started playing on the speakers confusing us.

we both sat there for a few minutes awaiting our friends arrival, dae-su was the first to burst in giving cheong san a quick hug the rest of the crew ran in onjo being the last along with mi-jin

"onjo" i stated

her eyes quickly found mine and she ran to me giving me a hug

"i thought you were one of them camryn" i let out a sob and held her closer

after i moved back cheong-san came foward he grabbed her shoulders "are you hurt he asked"

he moved away from onjo and infront of the group "howd you know i was here" he asked\

onjo walked behind him and kicked him on the back of his leg makeing everyone chuckle

"i told you not to go, why dont you listen" she exclaimed

Most of us are deadWhere stories live. Discover now