Love Is In The Air

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                 - Storm and Friends Season 2 • episode 3 -

  It was the day of Hathor's day on Eon. A day where the animals of planet Eon get together with their soulmates, enjoy the company of themselves or their friends, or confess to their love. As the annual tradition goes, it's more than likely that they would end up accepting the confession on this specific day.

It was a beautiful, sunny day in the snowy tundras of Snowy. Animals were bustling around with company at their sides, and many fluffy clouds filled with future snow filled the sky; occasionally blocking out the warm rays of Daydream's sunshine while animals or griffin carriages had flown on by.

Slowly, we zoom in on the neighbor-less two-story home of the Paws' family. Seeing that Sniper, Cookies and Anastasia were all sat on the couch watching tv with a bowl of popcorn while Storm was doing some dusting. Wearing an apron with gloves
Dr. Casserole had been in the laboratory (thattotallywasn'tabasement) for quite some time now, and no one has seen him since last night. But clearly no-one really seemed to care at this time. It's not like he needed to eat anyway...
"are you sure you don't wanna sit with us Storm?" Sniper asked, glancing over at his brother dusting off the side table covered in cookie crumbs.
"Yup- gotta get an early start on the spring cleaning this year you know?" he replied, focused on his work of cleaning and dusting
"...but you get an early start every year" he blinked twice.
"Yeah, and i'm not going to break that streak now!" he said stubbornly "plus i'm not going to watch cartoons...I've got my dramatic telenovelas to watch" he added, narrowing his eyes as he organized the same drawer over and over again in different ways.

"I dunno man....deze cartoons might just be better than whatever you watch" Cookies stated, eating a pawful of popcorn while Sniper blankly stared.
Storm immediately stopped what he was doing to glare at Cookies with a burning hatred in his eyes "don't you dare talk about my shows like that!" he spat, flattening his ears. "I have been watching it ever since season two and tonight Maria is going to confess to who she truly lov-"

Suddenly, the door had been busted open by Tony, which he quickly slammed back closed right after. Panting heavily and looking like he had just fallen from the sky and landed in some marsh...or a dumpster. He sure did smell like it at least
they all blankly stared at him, confused and concerned.

"The heck happened to you?" Storm asked with wide eyes
"y'don'wanna know..." he raspily replied; still catching his breath as he set his tattered fedora down on the side table with his magic and wiped his paws and his shoes on the door mat.
"Well, y'look pretty ruff dude" Cookies joked, smirking with narrowed eyes while Storm looked unamused
"yeah wuteva...." he bitterly replied, setting his shoes down beside the door.
"Thank you" Storm said before going back to his cleaning while the brute wordlessly limped to the couch and sat next to Anastasia. Taking a puff of his cigar and staring at something they couldn't see

Sniper blinked twice with cyan eyes. "....So...." he started "....what have you been doing all morning?" he asked with a little smile, the yellow returning back to his strange eyes.
Tony remained silent for a moment, articulating his thoughts before properly speaking—albeit reluctantly—
"oh..." Sniper noised, frowning and flattened his ears before they all went silent and just sat there watching the tv.

But then....."okayIadmitit- I need 'elp" Tony suddenly blurted out.
Catching Storm and Sniper's attention right away
"help?! What do you need help with?" Sniper rather excitedly asked as he joyfully looked up the brute. His brows curved with nervousness "okay- well....I dunno if ya really know 'ow 'ta help since y'both, like, kids.....but uh-" he began to sweat while he fidgeted with his rings. "Well, I kinda maybe wanna....uh.." he cleared his throat and shut his eyes tight with tensed shoulders and a neon blue blush with a lighter color of hearts in them on his cheeks. "GetbackwifAshley" he quickly admitted, opening his eyes wide while the others stared at him, the brothers looking shocked as ever.
"What?! Really?? That's amazing!! We have to make you guys a date right now!" Sniper excitedly said, his tails wagging behind him while Storm looked a little more hesitant.
"Yeah, i'm sure it won't go terribly at awll" Cookies jokingly stated
"Cookies shh we're trying to encourage him!!" Sniper whispered while Tony was sweating bullets and looking like he was about to explode from anxiety.
"Uh- hold on now why do you want to get back with her...? I thought you guys, like.....broke up" Storm asked, blinking twice in confusion as he looked up at him.
Tony furrowed his brows, wrinkling his face a bit "'dat ain't any of ya business." He spat before his brows loosened a bit "I jus'wan'cha t'elp me okay??" he said, his nervousness coming back into his voice.

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